On-line measurement and simulation of the in-core gamma energy deposition in the McMaster nuclear reactor

  • 투고 : 2021.07.01
  • 심사 : 2021.07.26
  • 발행 : 2022.01.25


In a nuclear reactor, gamma radiation is the dominant energy deposition in non-fuel regions. Heat is generated upon gamma deposition and consequently affects the mechanical and thermal structure of the material. Therefore, the safety of samples should be carefully considered so that their integrity and quality can be retained. To evaluate relevant parameters, an in-core gamma thermometer (GT) was used to measure gamma heating (GH) throughout the operation of the McMaster nuclear reactor (MNR) at four irradiation sites. Additionally, a Monte Carlo reactor physics code (Serpent-2) was utilized to model the MNR with the GT located in the same irradiation sites used in the measurement to verify its predictions against measured GH. This research aids in the development of modeling, calculation, and prediction of the GH utilizing Serpent-2 as well as implementing a new GH measurement at the MNR core. After all uncertainties were quantified for both approaches, comparable GH profiles were observed between the measurements and calculations. In addition, the GH values found in the four sites represent a strong level of radiation based on the distance of the sample from the core. In this study, the maximum and minimum GH values were found at 0.32 ± 0.05 W/g and 0.15 ± 0.02 W/g, respectively, corresponding to 320 Sv/s and 150 Sv/s. These values are crucial to be considered whenever sample is planned to be irradiated inside the MNR core.



The author would like to express gratitude to Dr. Adriaan Buijs and Dr. Simon Day. In addition, he would like to thank the MNR staff for their help during GH measurements. Finally, the author thanks the reactor manager and supervisor, Rob Pasuta and Jay Grigg-Tait, for always being available to answer inquiries regarding the reactor operation.


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