Effect of an Unstable Surface Exercise Program using Kettlebells on the Ankle's Muscle Activity and Balance in Middle and High School Baseball Players

  • Dae Han Kang (Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Nambu University) ;
  • Jae Woon Kim (Department of Physical Therapy, Chung-yeon Korean Medicine Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.19
  • 심사 : 2022.12.26
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Objective: To identify the effect of unstable surface kettlebell exercises on muscle activity and balance in middle and high school baseball players. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The participants were 29 middle and high school baseball players (Unstable surface kettlebell exercises group, USKE: 15; Stable surface kettlebell exercise group, SSKE: 14). The players in the USKE group performed kettlebell exercises for 60 mins on a stable surface thrice a week for 6 weeks, and the return rack was solidified on a stable surface in the same way as the experimental group. Before and after the experiment, the participant's muscle activity of the tibialis anterior and soleus was measured. In addition, the participant's balance was evaluated by measuring the distance moved from the foot's center of pressure (COP). The paired t-test was used to compare groups before and after the experiment. The independent t-test was conducted to assess differences in the degree of change between the two groups before and after the experiment. Results: Compared to the SSKE group, the USKE group showed significant differences in the muscle activity of the tibialis anterior and soleus and the balance with the eyes open and closed. Conclusions: The players in the USKE group showed a significant difference in muscle activity and balance than in those in the SSKE group. Thus, effectively including an unstable surface in the kettlebell exercise program will help improve physical function in athletes and people with musculoskeletal disorders.



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