Long non-coding RNAs in Sus scrofa ileum under starvation stress

  • Wang, Shu (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Ma, Yi Jia (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Li, Yong Shi (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Ge, Xu Sheng (Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy(GROUP) CO., LTD) ;
  • Lu, Chang (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Cai, Chun Bo (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Yang, Yang (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Zhao, Yan (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Liang, Guo Ming (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Guo, Xiao Hong (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Cao, Guo Qing (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Li, Bu Gao (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University) ;
  • Gao, Peng Fei (Department of Animal Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.26
  • 심사 : 2022.02.04
  • 발행 : 2022.07.01


Objective: In this study, we aimed to identify long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that play important roles in starvation stress, analyze their functions, and discover potential molecular targets to alleviate starvation stress to provide a theoretical reference for subsequent in-depth research. Methods: We generated a piglet starvation stress animal model. Nine Yorkshire weaned piglets were randomly divided into a long-term starvation stress group (starved for 72 h), short-term starvation stress group (starved for 48 h), and the control group. LncRNA libraries were constructed using high-throughput sequencing of piglet ileums. Results: We obtained 11,792 lncRNAs, among which, 2,500 lncRNAs were novel. In total, 509 differentially expressed (DE)lncRNAs were identified in this study. Target genes of DElncRNAs were predicted via cis and trans interactions, and functional and pathway analyses were performed. Gene ontology functions and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes analysis revealed that lncRNA-targeted genes mainly participated in metabolic pathways, cellular processes, immune system processes, digestive systems, and transport activities. To reveal the mechanism underlying starvation stress, the interaction network between lncRNAs and their targets was constructed based on 26 DElncRNAs and 72 DEmRNAs. We performed an interaction network analysis of 121 DElncRNA-DEmRNA pairs with a Pearson correlation coefficient greater than 0.99. Conclusion: We found that MSTRG.19894.13, MSTRG.16726.3, and MSTRG.12176.1 might play important roles in starvation stress. This study not only generated a library of enriched lncRNAs in piglets, but its outcomes also provide a strong foundation to screen key lncRNAs involved in starvation stress and a reference for subsequent in-depth research.



We would like to thank all the staff of Gene Denovo Biotechnology Co. for technical help and Editage 360 ( for English language editing during the preparation of this manuscript.


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