Structural damage detection based on changes of wavelet transform coefficients of correlation functions

  • Sadeghian, Mohsen (Marine Engineering Department, Amir kabir University of Technology) ;
  • Esfandiari, Akbar (Marine Engineering Department, Amir kabir University of Technology) ;
  • Fadavie Manochehr (Marine Engineering Department, Amir kabir University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2022.02.19
  • 심사 : 2022.04.14
  • 발행 : 2022.06.25


In this paper, an innovative finite element updating method is presented based on the variation wavelet transform coefficients of Auto/cross-correlations function (WTCF). The Quasi-linear sensitivity of the wavelet coefficients of the WTCF concerning the structural parameters is evaluated based on incomplete measured structural responses. The proposed algorithm is used to estimate the structural parameters of truss and plate models. By the solution of the sensitivity equation through the least-squares method, the finite element model of the structure is updated for estimation of the location and severity of structural damages simultaneously. Several damage scenarios have been considered for the studied structure. The parameter estimation results prove the high accuracy of the method considering measurement and mass modeling errors.



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