림 구동 추진기 기술동향 및 전망

  • 발행 : 2022.03.30




  1. 김수남, 박영호 [DC 전기추진선 기술동향, 현대일렉트릭]
  2. Gunnar Johsen, Olav Haug Vikebakk [Ship Efficiency - Permanent Magnet Technology, Rolls-Royce] (2014)
  3. [Azipod D-gearless thruster, ABB] (2019)
  4. Kimmo Kokkila [Polar expedition ships: Ultimate passenger safety and comfort with Azipod propulsion, ABB] (2017)
  5. 이창언 [ABB의 독보적인 Marine and Offshore Solution, ABB Korea] (2011)
  6. https://magazine.hankyung.com/business/article/202009099324b [바다 위의 테슬라 온다...닻 올린 '친환경 스마트 선박'] (2020)
  7. Oystein Engelhardtsen [Revolt og klassegodkjenning av autonome skip, DNV GL] (2016)
  8. VOITH [Voith Inline Thruster(VIT), Voith Inline Propulsion(VIP)]
  9. Norway Exports [https://www.norwayexports.no/news/the-first-ship-ever-with-azimuth-rim-driven-thrusters-to-be-put-into-commercial-service/] (2011)
  10. Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine [https://chargedevs.com/newswire/rolls-royce-unveils-marine-battery-system/] (2018)
  11. DNV GL [The next bevolt] (2014)
  12. [https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=hongkevin&logNo=221988554036] (2020)
  13. EMEC [https://www.emec.org.uk/about-us/our-tidal-clients/open-hydro/]