This study is about the case applied of a shallow foundation reinforcement method for a low/mid-rise building where a relatively small load is applied by using a soil stabilized material that utilizes recycled resources. First, laboratory mixing test was conducted for four mixing ratios in order to derive the optimal mixing ratio in the field. Using the derived optimal mixing ratio, it was applied as a shallow foundation for the building in the field. The field application method used a simple process of compaction by the soil mixedure with the original soil and the soil stabilized material in the field. After field application, a plate bearing test was performed on one original ground and two improved ground to confirm the allowable bearing capacity. As a result of checking the bearing capacity, it was found that sufficient bearing capacity was exhibited.Therefore, it was confirmed that it can be used as a shallow foundation for the building.
본 연구는 순환자원을 대량 활용한 지반안정재를 활용하여, 비교적 작은 하중이 작용하는 중·저층 건축물의 얕은 기초 보강공법에 적용한 사례에 대한 내용으로 우선하여 현장 최적배합비를 도출하고자 4가지 혼합비에 대한 실내배합시험을 실시하였으며, 도출된 최적배합비를 이용하여 현장에서 건축물 얕은기초로 적용하였다. 현장 적용방법은 원지반와 지반안정재를 교반한 혼합토를 현장에서 혼합하여 다짐을 실시하는 매우 단순한 공정을 이용하였다. 현장 적용 후 평판재하시험을 원지반 1곳, 개량지반 2곳에 실시하여 허용지지력을 확인하였다. 지지력 확인 결과 충분한 지지력을 발휘하는 것으로 나타나, 해당 건축물의 앝은기초로 활용이 가능한 것으로 확인되었다.