자동차용 디지털 콕핏(Automotive Digital Cockpit) 구현을 위한 In-Mold Electronics (IME) 기술 동향

  • 오민석 (한국전자기술연구원 디스플레이연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2022.06.01




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  2. S. Y. Lee, S. H. Jang, H. K. Lee, J. S. Kim, S. Lee, H. J. Song, J. W. Jung, E. S. Yoo, and J. Choi, Organic Electronics, 85, 105881 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2020.105881
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  4. https://www.autoelectronics.co.kr/article/articleView.asp?idx=2699
  5. https://news.samsung.com/
  6. https://www.globenewswire.com/newsrelease/2022/01/04/2360927/0/en/In-Mold-Electronics-Market-Size-to-Worth-Around-US-2-44-Bnby-2030.html
  7. https://dream.kotra.or.kr/kotranews/cms/news/actionKotraBoardDetail.do?SITE_NO=3&MENU_ID=430&CONTENTS_NO=1&bbsGbn=254&bbsSn=254&pNttSn=177945