사례로 본 한국 국가도시공원 조성 연구

Case Studies for the Establishment of Korean National Urban Park

  • 최혜영 (성균관대학교 건설환경공학부) ;
  • 서영애 (기술사사무소 이수)
  • Choi, Hyeyoung (Dept. of Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Seo, Young-Ai (ESOO Landscape Architects)
  • 투고 : 2022.02.21
  • 심사 : 2022.03.25
  • 발행 : 2022.04.30


2016년「도시공원 및 녹지 등에 관한 법률」의 개정을 통해 국가가 지정할 수 있는 국가도시공원 제도가 시행되었지만 시대적 요청과 국민의 관심에도 불구하고 2022년 현재까지 조성사례가 없다. 본 연구의 목적은 해외 사례분석을 통해 한국에 적합한 국가도시공원 조성의 목표와 방향수립에 있다. 국가도시공원 제도가 있는 일본, 스웨덴, 핀란드, 캐나다, 국가 예산으로 도시공원을 지원하는 미국과 독일의 사례를 분석하였다. 각 나라별로 레크리에이션, 기념성, 방재, 보존, 개발, 도시재생 등의 목표를 설정하고 공원을 조성하고 있었으며 규모도 다양했다. 국가의 개입 방식과 범위를 구분하여 전략과 방법을 수립했으며, 중앙정부와 지방 정부의 소통과 민간 참여 시스템을 구축하고 있었다. 한국의 국가도시공원은 국가균형발전이라는 당위성으로 접근해야 하며 국토관리차원에서 국가도시공원이 매개체가 될 수 있는 전략이 필요하다. 실천방안으로는 현재의 불합리한 법 제도의 개정을 통해 대상지 확보, 조성, 관리, 운영방식에 대한 구체적인 내용이 보완되어야 하며, 여러 부처에 분산된 공원녹지 제도와 정책을 통합하여 논의할 수 있는 별도의 전담연구원 신설도 필요하다.

Although the 'Act on Urban Parks and Green Spaces' was revised in 2016 to provide a legal foundation for national urban parks, there was no further discussion or follow-up research for the implementation of national urban parks. This study investigates Korea's park and green space regulations and national urban park cases from across the world. It aims to analyze worldwide cases and set a course for a viable national urban park system in Korea. The importance and characteristics of national urban parks were evident after reviewing the cases of Japan, Sweden, Finland, and Canada, which have national urban park systems, and the United States and Germany, which aid city parks with national budgets. Each country determined the plans and procedures by assessing the scope of government intervention and the government's role. The importance of communication between the state and municipal governments and private sector participation and governance was recognized. A system was also formed in which local governments actively participate in the nomination, establishment, administration, and management of national urban parks. The results of this study are as follows. First, the concept of equitable national development should be implemented to activate the national urban park system. Second, the national urban park should be a land management tool that may be used to balance development and preservation. Third, a specific method of securing, constructing, administering, and operating national urban parks should be supplemented by the current legislative framework amendment. Furthermore, the establishment of a sustainable research institute is needed to comprehensively analyze parks and green space systems and make appropriate decisions.



  1. Act on the Creation and Furtherance of Arboretums and Gardens(Act. No. 17723).
  2. Act on Urban Parks, Green Areas, Etc. of Korea(Act. No. 18047).
  3. Base Realignment and Closure Act(Public Law 101-510).
  4. Choi, D. S.(2022) The plan for the national urban park in Incheon Sorae Wetland. In Proceedings of the 2022 National Urban Park Open Forum.
  5. City of Toronto(2015) Downsview Area Secondary Plan.
  6. Creation and Management of Urban Forest Act(Act. No. 17420)
  7. Federal Land and Water Conservation Act(Public Law 88-578).
  8. Federal Land and Water Conservation Act(Public Law 90-401).
  9. Federal Property Act(40 U.S.C. 550(b) and (e)).
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  14. Korea Forest Service(2017) The 2nd Urban Forest Basic Plan. Daejeon: Korea Forest Service.
  15. Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture(KILA)(2011) Proceedings of National Urban Park Symposium.
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  17. Lee, K. H.(2022) The proposal for the Nakdong River Delta National Urban Park. Proceedings of the 2022 National Urban Park Open Forum.
  18. Lundberg, J., E. Andersson, G. Cleary, and T. Elmqvist(2008) Linkag es beyond borders: Targeting spatial processes in fragmented urban l andscapes. Landscape Ecology 23: 717-726.
  19. National Assembly Secretariat(2016) The 340th national assembly. Minutes of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee(1).
  20. Natural Parks Act(Act No. 17425).
  21. National Park Service(2008) Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program Federal Financial Assistance Manual 69.
  22. Oh, C. S.(2018) The Changes and Issues of the Urban Park Law-1937 to 2017-. Ph. D. Dissertation. Seoul National University. Seoul.
  23. Park, K. W.(2009) Institution to form a tourism and recreation system: The institutional characteristics and roles of Japan's national government parks. Journal of Tourism Sciences 33(3): 125-148.
  24. Rouge National Urban Park Act(S.C. 2015, c. 10, Revision in 2017).
  25. Schantz, P.(2004) The national urban park in greater Stockholm: Background, legislation and implementation. Garden History 32(2): 279-280.
  26. Slatmo, E., K. Nilsson, and D. Huynh(2021) The role of the state in Preserving urban green infrastructure - National urban parks in Finland and Sweden. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 1-21.
  27. Son, Y. H.(2011) Study on the meaning of national urban park system and the challenging in management operations - Focusing on the case of Japanese national government park system. Journal of Korea Planning Association 46(3): 79-92.
  28. Special Act on Creation of the Yongsan Park(Act No. 18050).
  29. USDOI(2014) Land and Water Conservation Fund-Urban Parks.
  30. Akashi Park Webpage(2022)
  31. Alps Azumino Park Webpage(2022)
  32. CLC(2021)
  33. DBG Webpage(2022)
  34. Downsview Lands(2021)
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  36. Europarc Federation(2021)
  37. Go, J. H.(2018) BUGA,
  38. Kim, S. H.(2016) Lafent Article.
  39. MLIT City Bureau Parks, Greenery, Landscape Division Webpage(20 22)
  40. MOLIT Official Announcement No. 2021-1433.
  41. National Park Service(2019a)
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  46. NYC Parks(2021)
  47. Parks Canada(2019a)
  48. Parks Canada(2019b) Rouge National Urban Park Management Plan.
  49. Parks Canada(2021)
  50. The Ministry of the Environment(2021) ban-parks
  51. U.S. Department of the Interior(2021)