식용곤충을 이용한 식품 관련 국내 특허 현황 분석

Analysis of Korean Patent Current Status Related to Food using Edible Insects

  • Park, Chanjeong (College of Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies, Kyonggi University)
  • 투고 : 2022.02.18
  • 심사 : 2022.04.10
  • 발행 : 2022.04.30


The purpose of this paper was to analyze domestic patents for food using edible insects. From January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2021, patents filed with the Korean Intellectual Property Office were searched, and a total of 242 valid patents were selected. The trend of Korean patent applications for edible insect food has increased since 2015, with 57 cases (the highest number) in 2017. As for the edible insects used in food, Bombyx mori L. were the most common with 127 cases, followed by Tenebrio molitor L. with 118 cases. By type of applicant, individuals accounted for the most, with 132 cases. As a result of grouping patents by food classification, 67 cases of edible insects were used in snacks, breads, and rice cakes. As a result of patent analysis, an effort was made to supplement insufficient nutrients by adding nutritionally excellent edible insects to existing foods, and efforts were made to improve the sensory properties of insect foods. It is expected that this study will contribute to establishing future R&D directions and patent application strategies related to edible insect food.



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