Exploring the Opening Process of New Entrusted Public Daycare Centers: Focusing on Sejong City

신도시 신규위탁 국공립어린이집의 개원과정 탐색: 세종시를 중심으로

  • Received : 2021.12.13
  • Accepted : 2022.04.08
  • Published : 2022.04.29


Objective: The purpose of this study was to suggest institutional improvements and support measures for the opening process of new entrusted public daycare centers by exploring the experiences of the directors of daycare centers. Methods: In-depth interviews were held with nine directors of daycare centers in Sejong City. The recordings of the interviews were databased, and then the data were analyzed by categorizing the content. Results: First, the participants of this study were interested in the national/public daycare service consignment program and were eager to be selected for the program. They also had high expectations for operating daycare centers. Second, while preparing for the opening of the daycare center, the participants encountered problems after being selected for the program in terms of finance, facilities, equipment, and personnel management. Third, after opening the center, the participants went through the "survival period" as they had to overcome many issues while operating the center on their own. Conclusion/Implications: This study suggested financial and administrative improvements and support measures required for the consignment program so that daycare center directors can successfully and sustainably open and operate daycare centers.



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