IoT Adoption by the Young Consumer: An Extended ASE Perspective

  • Received : 2022.01.14
  • Accepted : 2022.09.13
  • Published : 2022.12.31


Home theft and burglary are prevalent in Dhaka city. Internet of things (IoT), in contrast, is commonly recognized as among the most advanced home security systems. However, the factors that attract young people to use IoT for household security have yet to be examined. Consequently, the purpose of this article is to validate the attitude-social influence-self-efficacy (ASE) model with personal innovativeness and perceived trust. We collected data from Dhaka citizens aged 15 to 24 using a purposive sample technique and 370 valid responses were chosen for the study. According to the analysis, all of our proposed hypotheses were found significant with a 73.6% variance. Furthermore, the effects of attitude and social influence were shown to be the highest and lowest, respectively, and trust and innovativeness were both nearly strong main predictors of ASE. Significantly, since this is one of the few studies in the technology adoption domain using this model, a solid foundation for IoT adoption for security purposes is established.



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