What's Next? Connecting the Past and Future of Business-IT Alignment Research

  • Joshy K. X. (Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University) ;
  • Rahul Thakurta (Information Systems at Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University)
  • Received : 2021.11.23
  • Accepted : 2022.05.11
  • Published : 2022.06.30


The importance of Business-IT alignment has been well emphasized, and the topic has been a top management concern for the past four decades. The current business environment demands in response to digitalization have made Business-IT alignment even more challenging. We take on the challenge in this research by presenting a comprehensive review of the domain of Business-IT alignment, based on a conceptual model which we propose, to facilitate future theoretical work. The review brought out multiple representations of the concept of Business-IT alignment and the characterization of its antecedents, nature, and outcomes. Based on the treatment of the domain in the extant literature, we chart out possible areas of future explorations. By doing so, this research lays a foundation for continuing inquiry on Business-IT alignment and facilitating future theoretical work.



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