Design and Evaluation of a Social Networking Site (SNS) Supported Collaborative Learning Environment for Vocabulary Learning

  • 투고 : 2022.02.28
  • 심사 : 2022.03.22
  • 발행 : 2022.04.30


Vocabulary learning plays an important role in language learning. This study explored a new paradigm based on social networking site (SNS) supported collaborative learning for vocabulary learning. SNS supported collaborative learning (SSCL) can effectively promote learners' engagement, interest and motivation by providing a more communicative and interactive environment. However, vocabulary learning studies on SSCL mainly focused on the effectiveness and influencing factors, lacking specific instructional strategies. Therefore, this study aims to develop instructional strategies that guide instructors to create an SSCL environment for facilitating vocabulary learning. The final instructional strategies are composed of three stages according to the course process, consisting of 8 general strategies and 21 specific guidelines. The content validity was ensured by four experts in the field of educational technology. The instructional strategies were then applied in an actual classroom with 16 students. The positive responses from the instructor and learners indicated that SSCL can be reasonably incorporated into the current curriculum to provide effective learning opportunities and to promote learners' vocabulary learning.



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