Application of cuttings to estimate the static characteristics of the dolomudstone rocks

  • 투고 : 2021.11.06
  • 심사 : 2022.01.27
  • 발행 : 2022.04.10


Determination of strength properties of intact rock using artificial cores has been considered in recent years. In this study, some relationships for estimating the static properties of dolomudstone cores of the Asmari reservoir were presented using artificial cores prepared from cuttings of two wells, southwest of Iran. For this purpose, first natural cuttings (NC) and 33 cores including dolomite limestone (dolomudstone), anhydrite and anhydrite dolomite were prepared between depths of 1714 and 2208 meters. Petrographic, physical, mechanical and dynamic tests were performed on cores, NC and artificial cuttings (AC) which was prepared from the residuals of dolomudstone cores. For preparing the artificial cores, the average porosity of the dolomudstone cores was considered and determined using four methods. Artificial and natural cuttings were classified as dolomite limestone and dolomite limestone to calcareous dolomite, respectively. Using ordinary Portland cement (OPC), water, AC and NC artificial cores were prepared. Results of evaluating the proposed relationships using statistical criteria showed that the static properties of the artificial cores can be used to predict the static properties of the dolomudstone cores.



Funding and necessary information for providing this work has been supported by the National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad under grant number 43102 (12/02/1396), for which the authors are grateful.


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