숙기가 빠르고 건물수량이 많은 호밀 품종 "조그린"

"Jogreen", A Forage Rye Cultivar with Fast Heading and High Yields

  • Ouk-Kyu, Han (Korean National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Jin-Jin, Kim (Korean National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Dea-Wook, Kim (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.26
  • 심사 : 2022.12.08
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


'조그린'은 숙기가 빠르면서 추위에 강해 수량이 많은 호밀 품종을 육성하기 위해 육성한 품종이다. '조그린'의 출수기는 평균 4월 15일로 표준품종인 '곡우'보다 5일 빠른 조생종이다. 수확시기의 초장은 117 cm로서 표준품종 '곡우'에 비해 6 cm가 컸고, m2당 경수는 983개로 '곡우'의 979개 보다 많은 편이었다. 내한성 및 흰가루병 등에 대한 내병성은 전국 4개 지역에서 3년간의 평균이 0으로서 '곡우'와 같았으며, 내도복성도 3으로 같았다. '조그린'의 건물수량은 ha당 8.1톤으로 '곡우'에 비해 4% 많았다. '조그린'의 조단백질 함량은 11.9%로 '곡우' 보다 0.8% 낮았으며, ADF와 NDF 함량은 각각 36.9%와 64.5%로 '곡우'보다 높았다. 또한 TDN 함량은 낮았으나 TDN 수량은 ha당 5.09톤으로 '곡우' 보다 많았다. '조그린'의 종실수량은 평균이 ha당 3.1톤으로 '곡우'와 대등하였다. '조그린'은 내한성이 강하기 때문에 전국의 답리작 및 전작지대에서 추파에 의한 월동재배가 가능하다. 그러나 비료를 많이 주고 밀식을 하면 도복이 발생하여 수확작업을 어렵게 하고 조사료 품질을 떨어뜨리므로 적정 파종량과 표준 시비량을 준수하는 것이 좋다.

'Jogreen' (Secale cereal L.) was developed for rye cultivars not fast heading but winter hardiness with high yields, which was open-pollinated by ten rye cultivars including 'Chochun' in 1995. Its average heading date was April 15, which was five days earlier on average compared with 'Gogu'. At harvest, the plant height of 'Jogreen' was 117 cm which was taller than 'Gogu' as much as 6 cm. The number of stems was 983 per m2, which was higher than that of Gogu (979). 'Jogreen' did not show both winter kill and powdery mildew, but showed lodging as 3 which is similar to 'Gogu'. The biomass in the dry weight base was 8.1 MT ha-1, and showing was 4% higher than 'Gogu'. The crude protein content of 'Jogreen' was 11.9%, 0.8% lower than that of 'Gogu', and the acid detergent fiber (ADF) and the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents were 36.9% and 64.5%, respectively, higher than that of 'Gogu'. The total digestible nutrients (TDN) content also was low, but the TDN content was 5.09 ton ha-1, which was higher than that of 'Gogu'. The seed productivity of 'Jogreen' was approximately 3.1 ton ha-1, which was similar to the check. 'Jogreen' was found to be resistant to winter kill and can be adapted to after-paddy-rice cultivation in all Korean provinces. 'Jogreen' is likely to lodge, therefore, farmers should follow the recommended seeding rate and fertilization rate.



본 논문은 농촌진흥청 연구사업(과제명: 사료작물 신품종육성 및 이용촉진사업, 연구과제번호: PJ0065492009)의 지원에 의해 이루어진 것임.


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