A Study on the aesthetic of Calligraphy by Seok Jeon Hwang Wook

석전(石田) 황욱(黃旭)의 서예미학(書藝美學) 고찰

  • Kim, Doyoung (Dept. of the faculty of liberal arts, Yewon Arts Univ)
  • Received : 2022.01.28
  • Accepted : 2022.03.08
  • Published : 2022.03.31


Seok Jeon Hwang Wook (18913~1999), a descendant of a traditional literary writer in the western part of Honam, did not join the flow of modern and contemporary calligraphy and painting. And throughout his life, he enjoyed himself without losing the appearance of a scholar, immersed himself in traditional calligraphy, and gained spotlight at his late age for his original hand grabbing calligraphy. Immediately after the Korean War, all of his property was lost due to his two sons' left-wing activities, causing great pain at home. Even in the most painful and difficult time in human history, he relied on brushes, poetry, and gayageum to keep his upright scholarly spirit and national love. And beyond the pleasures of the worldly senses, he played with self-satisfaction in the 'true pleasure(大樂)' without greed. In the course of his studies, he focused on honing the fonts of Wang Hui-ji, Gu Yang-sun, An Jin-gyeong, Jo Maeng-bu, and Xin-wi and Lee Sam-man without a special teacher. In particular, he faced a crisis of having to give up his brush due to tremor that came after his 60th birthday, but he showed a strong will. He transformed it into a new style of art, such as developing hand grabbing calligraphy(握筆法) with a strong and strong energy that no one could match. From 1965 to 1983, 'right hand grabbing calligraphy' was used, and from 1984 to 1993, 'left hand grabbing calligraphy' was used. She made her name as a calligrapher widely known in 1973 (age 76) with her first solo exhibition, The Calligraphy Exhibition commemorating her 60th wedding anniversary. His writing method is naturally rough and sloppy by breaking away from the previous calligraphy methods and artificial technique, and is unfamiliar yet full of muscle. And the calm, strong and rough chuhoegsa(錐劃沙) and the heavy yet majestic ininni(印印泥) individual handwriting expressed a strange feeling and achieved original Seokjeon calligraphy that went beyond the existing calligraphy writing methods, and his indomitable calligraphy spirit was As a unique existence in the history of calligraphy, he still remains as a model.

호남 서부의 전통적인 문한세가(文翰世家)의 후손인 석전(石田) 황욱(黃旭)(18913~1999)은 근·현대 서화계 흐름에 합류하지 않고 평생토록 선비의 풍모를 잃지 않고 자적지적(自適之適)하면서 오로지 전통서예에 천착하면서 독창적 악필법과 서예세계로 만년에 각광을 받았던 인물이다. 6.25 전쟁 직후 두 아들의 좌익활동으로 인해 가정적으로 큰 아픔을 겪으면서 가산은 탕진되었다. 이처럼 인간사에서 가장 고통스럽고 감내하기 힘든 시기에도 필묵시금(筆墨詩琴)에 의지하며 올곧은 선비정신과 민족애를 잃지 않으며 상고정심(尙古正心)하였다. 그리고 세속적인 감관의 쾌락을 초월한 무기무욕(無己無欲)의 '참된 즐거움(大樂)'속에서 자득하고 소요유(逍遙遊)하였다. 그의 학서과정은 특별한 스승없이 왕희지·구양순·안진경·조맹부와 신위·이삼만 등의 서체를 집중 연마하였다. 특히 환갑 이후에 찾아온 수전증으로 인해 절필의 위기를 맞이하였으나 강인한 의지력을 발휘하여 그 누구도 범접치 못할 웅건강기(雄健剛氣)의 악필법을 개발하는 등 새로운 예품과 예격으로 환골탈태하였다. 1965년~1983년까지는 '우수 악필법'을, 1984년~1993년 시기는 '좌수 악필법'을 사용하였다. 1973년(76세) 첫 개인전인 회혼기념서예전을 통해 서예가로서의 명성을 널리 알리게 되었다. 그의 필법은 역대 서법과 인위적인 기교를 초탈하여 천연졸박(天然拙樸)한 본성을 발현하여 생경(生硬)하면서도 근골이 넘친다. 그리고 침저험경(沈着險勁)한 추획사(錐劃沙)와 중후웅건(重厚雄健)한 인인니(印印泥)한 개성적 필의는 기이한 신운을 자아내며 기존 서법을 뛰어 넘는 독창적인 석전체(石田體)를 이루었고, 그의 불굴의 서예정신은 한국서예사에서 독보적 존재로서 여전히 귀감으로 남는다.



  1. 《MBC-TV》 documentary, 「Time and Person : masterof hand grabbing calligraphy, Seok Jeon Hwang Wook」 (Aired on July 26.)
  2. 《Chosun Ilbo》, 「Dialog of birthplace : made friends for 60 years」, (October 22, 1977. article.)
  3. Son Il-ju (1983), 「The Book of Shinwi」, Taehak Publishing House.
  4. Jang Hwa-Kwan, 「Theory of Texts(文字論)」
  5. Lee se-min, 「Nonseo(論書)」
  6. Son gwa-jeong, 「Seobo(書譜)」
  7. Lee Jeong-hwa (1990), 「Seok Jeon Hwang Wook, the last scholar of this era」, Women's Encyclopedia, December 1990 issue.
  8. 「Laozi(老子)」