• 투고 : 2021.05.02
  • 심사 : 2021.11.08
  • 발행 : 2022.03.31


This paper is concerned with the study of various notions of shadowing of dynamical systems induced by a sequence of maps, so-called time varying maps, on a metric space. We define and study the shadowing, h-shadowing, limit shadowing, s-limit shadowing and exponential limit shadowing properties of these dynamical systems. We show that h-shadowing, limit shadowing and s-limit shadowing properties are conjugacy invariant. Also, we investigate the relationships between these notions of shadowing for time varying maps and examine the role that expansivity plays in shadowing properties of such dynamical systems. Specially, we prove some results linking s-limit shadowing property to limit shadowing property, and h-shadowing property to s-limit shadowing and limit shadowing properties. Moreover, under the assumption of expansivity, we show that the shadowing property implies the h-shadowing, s-limit shadowing and limit shadowing properties. Finally, it is proved that the uniformly contracting and uniformly expanding time varying maps exhibit the shadowing, limit shadowing, s-limit shadowing and exponential limit shadowing properties.



We would like to thank anonymous reviewer whose remarks improved the presentation of the paper.


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