Concept analysis of transition to motherhood: a methodological study

  • 투고 : 2021.11.09
  • 심사 : 2022.01.04
  • 발행 : 2022.03.31


Purpose: Although the term "transition to motherhood" is commonly used in research, the concept is not clear. This study, hence, was conducted to clarify the concept of "transition to motherhood." Methods: The concept analysis framework developed by Walker and Avant is used to analyze the concept of transition to motherhood. Results: Transition to motherhood is defined as the physical, psychological, social, and relational (mother-baby relationship/interpersonal relationship) changes that happen to a woman after pregnancy and delivery of a baby. The attributes of the transition to motherhood include: 1) adapting to physical changes after pregnancy and childbirth; 2) experiencing various psychological changes; 3) changing of her social perception from being a woman to someone's mother; and 4) forming and developing a relationship with the newborn, adjusting priorities, and redefining the relationship between family and others. Meeting the newborn is regarded as an antecedent of the transition to motherhood. Redefining identity and physical image, ensuring mother's well-being, maternal attachment, and confidence in the maternal role are regarded as consequences of the transition to motherhood. The concept was clarified by the presentation of model, borderline, and contrary cases. Conclusion: The significance of this study lies in the clarification of the concept of transition to motherhood and defining its attributes. It is recommended that tools be developed to measure transition to motherhood based on the results of this study. Furthermore, nurses and midwives can use study findings to better understand the concept of transition to motherhood in providing care and support to mothers who experience it.



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