Effect of skeletal muscle of adolescents on physical strength, physique, and motor coordination

  • 투고 : 2022.01.17
  • 심사 : 2022.03.31
  • 발행 : 2022.03.30


This study aims to analyze the relative importance of bone age and chronological age in physique according to gender and to identify the relative importance of bone age, chronological age, and physique in physical fitness and motor coordination according to gender in order to alleviate the imbalance between physique and physical fitness in children. A total of 666 children(346 males, 320 females) between the ages of 11-14 were enrolled as subjects, and the skeletal maturation The skeletal maturation were measured by taking hand-wrist. Physical fitness were measured through a total of 4 components: muscular strength. The results of this study. First, physique variables for both males and females aged 11-14 were found to be more significant predictors of bone age than chronological age. Second, for physical fitness in males, in the order of %fat, body water, waist-hip ratio, weight, fat-free mass, and chronological age were more significant predictor variables; and in females, in the order of %fat, fat-free mass, height, chronological age, weight, bone age, fat mass, and body water were more significant predictor variables. For bone age and chronological age in physical fitness, bone age in males and chronological age in females found to be the more representative variables respectively.



This research was supported by Gyeonggi-DO Uijeongbu-si 2022.


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