Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Hydrogen System and Plus DR on Campus MG

  • Woo, Gyuha (Energy Policy and Engineering KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS)) ;
  • Park, Soojin (Energy Policy and Engineering, KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS)) ;
  • Yoon, Yongbeum (Energy Policy and Engineering, KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS))
  • 투고 : 2021.12.26
  • 심사 : 2022.03.15
  • 발행 : 2022.03.25


The renewable energy based MG is becoming one of the prominent solutions for greenhouse gas and constructing less power lines. However, how to procure the economics of MG considering the CO2 emission and utility network impact is one of major issues as the proportion of renewable resource increases. This paper proposes the feasibility study scheme of campus MG and shows that the LCOE and CO2 emission can be reduced by utilizing the excess power and introducing hydrogen system and plus DR. For this, the three cases: (a) adding the PV and selling excess power to utility, (b) producing and selling hydrogen using excess power, and (c) participating in plus DR are considered. For each case, not only the topology and component capacity of MG to secure economic feasibility, but also CO2 emission and utility network effects are derived. If an electrolyzer with a capacity of 400 kW participates in plus DR for 3,730hours/year, the economic feasibility is securable if plus DR settlement and hydrogen sale price are more than 7.08¢/kWh and 8.3USD/kg or 6.25¢/kWh and 8.6USD/kg, respectively. For this end, continuous technical development and policy support for hydrogen system and plus DR are required.



This study was conducted with the funds of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in 2019 with the support of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) as a new energy project and a global talent development project (project number: 20194010000090). This work was supported by the 2020 Research Fund of the KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS), Republic of Korea.


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