Research trends and development direction in cell-based seafood

배양수산물의 연구현황 및 발전방향

  • Received : 2022.01.27
  • Accepted : 2022.02.18
  • Published : 2022.03.30


Climate change due to global warming is affecting the global environment. The fishery industry is highly dependent on the natural environment, so the fishery industry is increasingly volatile due to the rapidly changing climate change. At the same time, consumers' anxiety due to marine pollution such as microplastics, radioactivity, and heavy metals are increasing. Accordingly, cell-based seafood are being proposed as an alternative for the sustainable use of seafood resources. Cell-based seafood manufactured through a process of differentiation and proliferation using cells isolated from actual seafood and cell, scaffold, media, and bioreactor technologies are organically connected to each other. This review summarizes the latest research status of cell-based seafood. Based on this, suggests a development direction for cell-based seafood to properly settle in the future market.



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