Escape Behavior of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) in Response to Aerial Predators of Different Sizes and with Different Attack Speeds

  • Lee, Sang-Hee (Team of Application for Mathematical Principles, Division of Advanced Researches for Industrial Mathematics, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2021.11.10
  • 심사 : 2021.12.09
  • 발행 : 2022.02.01


The escape behavior of prey fish to predator attack is directly linked to the survival of the fish. In this study, I explored the escape behavior of Medaka fish to bird attacks. To simulate the attack, I designed a model triangular-shaped bird to slide along a fishing line connected between rods at both ends of the tank. The triangular shape was set to 10×15 (S=1), 15×20 (S=2), and 20×25 cm (S=3) with base×height. The slope (θ) of the fishing line, which determines the attack speed of the model bird, was set to values of 15° (θ=1), 30° (θ=2), and 45° (θ=3). The escape behavior was characterized using five variables: escape speed (ν), escape acceleration (α), responsiveness (γ), branch length similarity entropy (ε), and alignment (ϕ). The experimental results showed when (S, θ)=(fixed, varied), the change in values of the five variables were not significant. Thus, the fish respond more sensitively to S than to θ In contrast, when (S, θ)=(varied, fixed), ν, α, and γ showed increasing trends but ε and ϕ did not change much. This indicates the nature of fish escape behavior irrespective of the threat is inherent in ε and ϕ. I found that fish escape behavior can be divided into two types for the five physical quantities. In particular, the analysis showed that the type was mainly determined by the size of the model bird.



This work was supported by the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Republic of Korea.


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