마해송의 수필 속 개성 한옥 고찰

A Study of Gae-sung Han-ok in Reference to Ma Hae-song's Essay

  • 김버들 (서울시립대학교 박물관)
  • 투고 : 2022.08.30
  • 심사 : 2022.12.06
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


It is difficult to conduct an on-site investigation of Kaesung since it's located in North Korea. After the devastating Korean civil war we have lost a lot of authentic structures. At present, the statement of those who have seen the Kaesung during the time would be of great help in bringing out the significance of this study. According to Ma Hae-song, who was a local in Kaesung. He vividly remembered how his neighborhood looks like and he even mentioned the every single detail of his house in his essay. Moreover he also compared the traditional Han-ok in the former time from the household of other countries. There was an extraordinary interest and insight in Han-ok. This study estimated Ma hae-song's Gaesuong house based on Ma hae-song's personal and supplementary records. the contents by exchanging e-mails with his eldest son, poet Ma Jong-ki. Through the above process, it was confirmed that the writer Mahae Song's Gaeseong House was a typical wealthy merchant's house located in Donghaerang, a luxury residential area, and was engaged in commerce.



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