Role of the prophenoloxidase-activating system in the innate immune response and cuticular melanization in the silkworm

  • Kwang Sik, Lee (College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.02
  • 심사 : 2022.12.22
  • 발행 : 2022.12.30


Bombyx mori is a representative industrial insect and is used in silk production. Additionally, it serves as an insect model in molecular studies. To date, various molecular studies on its physiological characteristics, including the innate immune response and cuticular melanization, have been conducted. The melanization, including cuticular melanization, in insects is controlled by the prophenoloxidase-activating system, which is also involved in their innate immune response. In this review, to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the prophenoloxidase-activating system in the silkworm, the roles of five biomolecules, namely tyrosine hydroxylase, prophenoloxidase-activating enzyme, phenoloxidase, serine protease homolog, and immulectin, are discussed.



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