Effective Policy Search Method for Robot Reinforcement Learning with Noisy Reward

노이즈 환경에서 효과적인 로봇 강화 학습의 정책 탐색 방법

  • Received : 2020.07.20
  • Accepted : 2022.02.10
  • Published : 2022.02.28


Robots are widely used in industries and services. Traditional robots have been used to perform repetitive tasks in a fixed environment, and it is very difficult to solve a problem in which the physical interaction of the surrounding environment or other objects is complicated with the existing control method. Reinforcement learning has been actively studied as a method of machine learning to solve such problems, and provides answers to problems that robots have not solved in the conventional way. Studies on the learning of all physical robots are commonly affected by noise. Complex noises, such as control errors of robots, limitations in performance of measurement equipment, and complexity of physical interactions with surrounding environments and objects, can act as factors that degrade learning. A learning method that works well in a virtual environment may not very effective in a real robot. Therefore, this paper proposes a weighted sum method and a linear regression method as an effective and accurate learning method in a noisy environment. In addition, the bottle flipping was trained on a robot and compared with the existing learning method, the validity of the proposed method was verified.



This project was funded by Sogang University Research & Business Development Foundation


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