리뷰를 활용한 고객 품질 만족도 지수 개발 : TV 사례연구

Developing the Customer Quality Satisfaction Index Using Online Reviews: Case Study of TV

  • 신지예 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀) ;
  • 김희수 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀) ;
  • 이재호 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀) ;
  • 전형우 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀) ;
  • 안정식 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀) ;
  • 황성훈 (삼성전자 Global CS센터 품질혁신팀)
  • Jiye, Shin (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) ;
  • Heesoo, Kim (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) ;
  • Jaiho, Lee (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) ;
  • Hyoungwoo, Jeon (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) ;
  • Jeongsik, Ahn (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) ;
  • Sunghoon, Hwang (Quality Innovation Team, Global CS Center, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS)
  • 투고 : 2022.11.04
  • 심사 : 2022.12.02
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose the product quality satisfaction index based on multiple linear regression using customer reviews. Methods: The proposed framework is composed of four steps. First, we collect online reviews and divide it into insight phrases. The insight phrases are classified using product attribute dictionary and sentiment analysis is conducted. Second, the importance of attributes is calculated in consideration of both regression coefficient and frequency. Third, the positive rate is calculated concerning sentiment analysis result. Therefore, the quality satisfaction index is measured by the weighted sum of importance and positive rate in the last step. Results: We conduct a case study using 2-years(2020, 2021) of Samsung TV reviews to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. As a result, we found that Picture quality is the most crucial attribute in TV evaluation. The importance of Gaming and content has grown up as the positive rate has also increased. Therefore, the overall satisfaction of TV has increased in 2021 compared to 2020. Conclusion: The result of this study shows that the proposed index reveals the customer's mind efficiently and can be explained by the importance and positive rate of each attribute. By using the proposed index, companies are able to improve and the priority of improvement can be determined.



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