• Hang, Nguyen Thi Anh (Department of Mathematics Thai Nguyen University of Education Thai Nguyen Province) ;
  • Hoff, Michael (Mathematik und Informatik Universitat des Saarlandes) ;
  • Truong, Hoang Le (Mathematik und Informatik Universitat des Saarlandes and Institute of Mathematics VAST and Thang Long Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.01
  • 심사 : 2021.09.24
  • 발행 : 2022.01.01


We construct new families of smooth Fano fourfolds with Picard rank 1 which contain open 𝔸1-cylinders, that is, Zariski open subsets of the form Z × 𝔸1, where Z is a quasiprojective variety. In particular, we show that every Mukai fourfold of genus 8 is cylindrical and there exists a family of cylindrical Gushel-Mukai fourfolds.



The authors wish to thank Frank-Olaf Schreyer for his useful suggestions about the topics in this paper. We thank Mikhail Zaidenberg for valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier draft.


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