Effects of Mask Wearing Due to COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Function in Treadmill Exercise

COVID-19로 인한 마스크 착용이 보행 속도에 따라 심혈관계 기능에 미치는 영향

  • Ki-Won, Nam (Department of Physical Therapy, Dongshin University) ;
  • Dong-Yel, Seo (Department of Physical Therapy, Dongshin University)
  • Received : 2022.08.23
  • Accepted : 2022.10.19
  • Published : 2022.11.30


PURPOSE: To find out how wearing a mask due to COVID-19 affects cardiovascular function as the pace of walking changes. METHODS: Forty-nine college students (27 men, 22 women) were subjected to treadmill exercises without masks (Group I) and wearing masks (Group II). The body temperature, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure were measured to determine the changes in cardiovascular function. These parameters were measured at rest (Control I), low-intensity (Control II), medium-intensity (Control III), and high-intensity (Control IV) before and after exercise. RESULTS: Significant differences in heart rate were observed between Control III and Control IV, and a significant difference in oxygen saturation was noted in Control IV. Significant differences in the exercise intensity change in Group II were as follows: Body temperature was Control IV compared to Control I and Control II, heart rate was Control III and Control IV compared to Control I and Control II, and Control IV compared to Control III. The heart rate was Control III and Control IV compared to Control I and Control II, Control IV for Control III, oxygen saturation was Control IV compared to Control I, blood pressure was Control II and Control III and Control IV compared to Control I, and Control IV compared to Control II. CONCLUSION: Exercising when wearing a mask affects the cardiovascular system. Therapists should consider the patient's condition when setting the exercise intensity. In particular, therapists should be more careful when setting the exercise intensity of patients with cardiovascular disease.



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