시판 배추김치의 나트륨 함량 모니터링

Monitoring of Sodium Content in Commercial Baechu (Kimchi Cabbage) Kimchi

  • 문은우 (세계김치연구소 김치산업진흥본부) ;
  • 이희민 (세계김치연구소 김치산업진흥본부) ;
  • 김성현 (세계김치연구소 김치산업진흥본부) ;
  • 서혜영 (세계김치연구소 김치산업진흥본부)
  • Eun Woo, Moon (Kimchi Industry Promotion Division, World Institute of Kimchi) ;
  • Hee-Min, Lee (Kimchi Industry Promotion Division, World Institute of Kimchi) ;
  • Sung Hyun, Kim (Kimchi Industry Promotion Division, World Institute of Kimchi) ;
  • Hye-Young, Seo (Kimchi Industry Promotion Division, World Institute of Kimchi)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.31
  • 심사 : 2022.12.04
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


This study was conducted to provide basic data on the amount of sodium and the setting of permissible error range of actual measurement, which is a problem for cabbage kimchi nutrients subject to labeling. The sample targeted was baechu (Kimchi cabbage) kimchi, which might have a large variation in sodium content by part of kimchi. Kimchi samples were collected twice from eight companies by season (spring, summer, fall, and winter). The average sodium content in kimchi samples was 619±87 mg/100 g (range, 534±63 mg/100 g to 783±40 mg/100 g). The error in average annual sodium content of abandonment kimchi (maximum value difference compared to the minimum value) was 26.8 to 64.3%. Sodium contents in kimchi produced in spring and summer were relatively low. However, deviation between individuals was large. It was found that cases exceeding the permissible error (120%) standard varied depending on the criteria for setting the amount of sodium. In addition, due to seasonal differences, sodium content in kimchi exceeded 120% of the labeling value. Thus, it is necessary to set standards suitable for characteristics of kimchi to prevent unintentional violations of labeling standards by raw materials and manufacturing processes.



본 연구는 (사)대한민국김치협회(KP2109)와 세계김치연구소 기관고유사업(KE2203-1-1)의 연구비 지원을 받아 수행되었으며, 이에 감사드립니다.


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