A Pungsu Study on Location and Space Lay out of Traditional House of Jeong, Si-Yoeng in Hwaseong

화성 정시영고택의 입지 및 공간배치의 풍수고찰

  • Han, Jong-Koo (Department of Architecture, Chungwoon University)
  • 한종구 (청운대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2022.10.10
  • Accepted : 2022.11.07
  • Published : 2022.11.25


It can be seen that Traditional house of Jeong Si-yeong is located in a place where Saenggi(good energy), which is important in Pungsu(Feng Shui), can be gathered and that energy can be properly maintained. According to the theory of feng shui, a place that is not easily exposed by the surrounding mountains and is well protected by the strong wind was selected, and the main room was placed on the south side so that the sunlight was adequate while facing the north, so that you can live a comfortable life for a long time. Located on such a relatively well-hidden site, it is a location that can cope well with the invasion of Japanese invaders through the sea in the past, and even today, it is seen as a reasonable base that can be properly protected from strong sea winds in reality. On the other hand, if we look at the Hyungguk theory, it was a house built in the late Joseon Dynasty, and we could see the hidden hopes of the nobles at the time. The mountain behind the house is a haebok-type with a crab lying on the seashore, and what the crab symbolizes is the past national exam for official. Considering that the name of the place where the house is located is also Oyat(cucumber tree)-ri, where many cucumber trees closely related to the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty were planted, it seems that the family wished for prosperity by producing many Sadaebu(upper class gentry) in the past and forming a good relationship with the royal family.



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