A Study on the differential value 'Podaegi' in Korean Tradition

  • SEO, Jung Hwa (Department of Spatial Design, Seoul Institute of the Arts) ;
  • KIM, Ki-Pyeong (Department of Logistics and Trade, Daejeon University)
  • Received : 2022.11.25
  • Accepted : 2022.12.26
  • Published : 2022.12.30


Recently, Podaegi, a traditional Korean childcare product, are spreading abroad like a trend. Sites specializing in the sale of ' Podaegi have been created in the UK, France, and the US, and their popularity is increasing. In addition, China's preference for safe products and demand for global products and premium baby products are rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, the proportion of baby products in Korea is still very small. Therefore, this study seeks to find the differentiated value and direction of development of Podaegi by finding a form and method similar to Podaegi and overseas. The research method was reviewed based on literature research and actual cases. As a result, Podaegi has high practicality and emotional value, and attachment parenting is possible. When the stages of attachment parenting were compared and analyzed, it was confirmed that attachment parenting is possible for a wider age group than others, and that Korean traditional Podaegi has developed differently from Western ones, and that Korean Podaegi is very advantageous for attachment parenting. Therefore, in the future, Korea's Podaegi needs to meet overseas import standards, propose designs that fit the current situation, and promote and develop differentiated values abroad.



This study was supported by the research grant of the KODISA Scholarship Foundation in 2022.


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