A Study on Mental Health Assessment and Mental Wellbeing Management System

멘탈헬스 측정 및 멘탈웰빙 관리시스템 기술개발 동향

  • Published : 2021.10.01


As the COVID-19 crisis continues, working environments and lifestyles have been changed unexpectedly, therefore the importance of mental health in the working environments has been highlighted. When the workers' mental health deteriorates, there will be personal losses but also human resources losses caused productivity decrements of the company or the organization. Many researchers have been tried to solve these issues with the help of ICT technologies such as wearable devices. Most wearable healthcare devices have been designed to detect the physiological status of users and collect the physical activities of users, and their applications are gradually expanding. Those devices may be good candidates to prevent loss of human resources from working environments especially under the COVID-19 situation by continuously monitoring mental health status in connection with mobile devices and managing the mental health on their own by combining mental well-being with support solutions. In this paper, the development trend of mental health measurement and mental well-being support technologies is analyzed, and development prospects are examined.



본 연구는 산업통상자원부와 한국산업기술진흥원의 "국제공동기술개발사업[과제번호 P0011894-지식근로자 대상 인공지능 기반 멘탈헬스/웰빙 관리 솔루션 개발]"의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구결과입니다.


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