A Study on the Competitiveness Enhancement of ICT Materials, Components and Equipments Industries using Diamond Model Approach in Korea

다이아몬드 모형을 적용한 우리나라 ICT 소재, 부품, 장비 산업의 경쟁력 강화 방향

  • Published : 2021.08.01


The development of core technologies in the 4th Industrial Revolution, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the intelligent Internet of Things, promote digital transformation and intelligence of the manufacturing industry. To realize them, there is an increasing demand for materials, components, and equipment needed for final goods. In particular, the expansion of global value chain instability due to changes in the external environment, such as the U.S.-China trade dispute, Japan's export regulations, and Covid-19 pandemic, increases the importance of strengthening the materials, components, and equipment industry in the global market. Thus, this study presents a strategic direction for securing global industrial competitiveness of materials, components, and equipment using Michael Porter's diamond model approach.



이 논문은 '국가 지능화 R&D 경쟁력 제고를 위한 기술정책 연구'[21ZR1420] 과제 수행의 일환으로 작성되었음.


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