에너지 거장과 탄소 중립을 위한 DNA(데이터, 네트워크, 인공지능) 중심 에너지ICT 기술 개발 현황

Energy Maestro and Development Status of the DNA-oriented Energy-ICT Technology for Carbon Neutrality

  • 발행 : 2021.02.01


The Korean government recently announced a plan of the Carbon Neutral policy in addition to the Green New Deal of the Korean New Deal and the Renewable Energy 3020. The energy sector is entering the era of major transformation involving the expansion of decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. DNA-oriented ICT technology will be incorporated into the sector. Further, new energy industries and services are being realized via efficient and smart operation and by appropriately managing the energy-environment changes. Recently, ETRI presented a technology development map for 2035 comprising 12 new concepts in four major fields(personal, social, industrial and public) of national intelligence. This map includes the concept of "Energy Maestro" associated with the field of public intelligence for human sustainability. This paper briefly introduces this concept and ETRI's Energy-R&D status. Based on the domain knowledge and the experience acquired through the R&D, ETRI will lead to a new paradigm with respect to the creation of new energy services and industries via the incorporation of the new ICT technologies including AI and big-data into the energy sector.



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