How Does the Food Quality Matter in Beef Specialized Store?

  • KIM, Dong-Ho (Department of Baking Technology, Hye Jeon College)
  • 투고 : 2021.11.13
  • 심사 : 2021.11.30
  • 발행 : 2021.11.30


The purpose of this study aims to confirm the importance of customer selection attributes of beef restaurants. This study found a selection attributes for a beef specialty restaurant, and proved the hypothesis through empirical analysis. Along with the increase in income levels over the past decade, the restaurant industry has grown. In contemporary society, where quality of life is becoming more important, the restaurant industry has expanded the importance of service quality. In particular, for meat consumption, per capita beef consumption is expected to increase every year; the effect of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement is also expected to further increase the consumption of high-quality and high-priced U.S. beef. However, like the study of general restaurant-selection factors in restaurant management research, studies of beef restaurants and commercial studies considering consumers' selection attributes are scarce. This study verified the characteristics of consumer choice for restaurants specializing in beef, and how quality, price, restaurant atmosphere, and employee service impacted customer satisfaction. We suggest that beef restaurants should focus more on atmosphere and service in addition to food price and quality, which are the choice factors for restaurants in general. This study empirically verified the importance of selection attributes, providing theoretical and practical implications.



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