명대(明代) 의학고시(醫學考試)의 시권(試卷)인 『의학통종(醫學統宗)』의 「유위의류소도기설당부(儒謂醫類小道其說當否)」에 대한 분석

Analysis of the Examination Paper on 'Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Just an Art?' in Yixuetongzong(醫学統宗) of the Ming Period

  • 조학준 (세명대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Jo, Hak-jun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Semyung University)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.20
  • 심사 : 2021.11.04
  • 발행 : 2021.11.25


Objectives : This paper analyzes the exam paper titled, 'Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Just an Art?' of the Yixuetongzong(醫学統宗) to provide basis for research on regional physicians' examination in the Ming period. Methods : Cross examination, interpretation and content analysis of the exam paper were carried out. Results : This document is the examination paper that He Jian(何柬) submitted past the age of 40 at a regional examination for physicians that took place at the Duxue Wenyuan which is presumed to have been a regional education institute for medicine in Nanjing. While he had experience in anatomy, having been an army doctor when he was young, and was an experienced doctor who was an expert in acupuncture, it seems his goal to become a medical official at the royal medical center failed. He accumulated knowledge and experience as a Confucian doctor for more than 25 years under his teacher Pan Xiquan. It is unclear whether he had been educated at the regional medical education institute. Conclusion : The regional physicians' examination during the Ming period promoted test takers to learn both medical and Confucian knowledge quite thoroughly.



본 연구는 한국연구재단의 "변증(辨證) 기반 진료수행평가(CPX)를 도입한 한의학 교육모델의 개발과 적용(2020R1F1A1069681)"으로 수행된 연구결과입니다.


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