Influence Factors of Visit Intention on Cosmetic Medical Tourism for ASEAN Consumers

아세안(ASEAN) 소비자의 미용 의료관광에 대한 방문의도와 영향요인 분석

  • 강태욱 ((재)충남테크노파크 정책기획단)
  • Received : 2021.08.06
  • Accepted : 2021.08.29
  • Published : 2021.08.30


This study was carried out to identify the key drivers behind the rapid growth of the cosmetic medical tourism industry in recent years and determine the future growth engines. Unlike previous studies that have focused on cosmetic medical tourism in the United States, Japan, and China, this paper examines the related trends in ASEAN countries, where the interest in cosmetic surgery has recently surged among young people, as part of the efforts to promote the expansion of the industry in this particular region. The results of the empirical study showed that those from the ASEAN region traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery found the medical professional's expertise in cosmetic surgery technology, medical care system, and administrative convenience in relation to communication and accessibility appealing, and this is what led to an intention to visit. As for another process that formed the intention to visit, it was the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance arising from the attractiveness of celebrities, and this had an impact on the intention to visit abroad for cosmetic surgery. Especially it was newly discovered, based on an empirical analysis, that sociocultural attitudes towards the appearance and attractiveness of celebrities could be a key influencing factor when it comes to the intention to visit another country for cosmetic surgery.



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