Effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on two different performance indicators in sports: a systematic review with meta-analysis

  • 투고 : 2021.01.06
  • 심사 : 2021.02.23
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


[Purpose] Sodium bicarbonate shows ergogenic potential in physical exercise and sports activities, although there is no strong evidence which performance markers show the greatest benefit from this supplement. This study evaluated the effects of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on time trial performance and time to exhaustion in athletes and sports practitioners. [Methods] A systematic review was conducted using three databases, including 17 clinical trials. Among these clinical trials, 11 were considered eligible for the meta-analysis according to the criteria for the assessment of methodological quality using the PEDro Scale. Time to exhaustion was assessed in six studies, while time trial performance was evaluated in five studies. [Results] A significant beneficial effect of supplementation on time to exhaustion was found in a random effects model (1.48; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.49 to 2.48). There was no significant effect of supplementation on time trial performance in a fixed effects model (slope = -0.75; 95% CI, -2.04 to 0.55) relative to a placebo group. [Conclusion] Sodium bicarbonate has the potential to improve sports performance in general, especially in terms of time to exhaustion.



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