Liver functions in combined models of the gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity and metabolic syndrome induced by high fat or fructose diets: a comparative study

  • Ibraheem, Zaid O. (Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit, Department of Pharmacy, Al Rafidain University College) ;
  • Farhan, Sinan Subhi (Basic Sciences Unit, Department of Pharmacy, Al Rafidain University College) ;
  • Al Sumaidaee, Ajwad (Department of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Baghdad University) ;
  • Al sufi, Layth (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad University) ;
  • Bashir, Anas (Quality Control Unit, Ministry of Trade) ;
  • Balwa, Anmar (Department of Laboratory Sciences, Al Rafidain University College) ;
  • Basir, Rusliza (Pharmacology Unit, Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia)
  • 투고 : 2019.11.26
  • 심사 : 2020.07.24
  • 발행 : 2021.04.15


Metabolic syndrome is one of the major risk factors that lead to various serious complications like cardiovascular abnormalities, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Its co-incidence with other organs dysfunction results in further deterioration of the condition or precipitation of other dysfunctions. This study aimed at studying the changes in the hepatic functions after the co-incidence of the high fat or fructose diets induced metabolic syndrome along with the gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity. Briefly, six groups of male Sprague Daley rats (n=10-12) were fed with different feeding protocols; viz; standard rodent's chow, an experimental high fat or high fructose diets feedings. For each, two groups were allocated that one of them was injected with normal saline and the other with 80 mg/kg/day I.P gentamicin during the last 24 days of the feeding period. The rats were monitored for changes in the metabolic data, glycemic control, lipid profile, renal and hepatic functions, oxidative stress and the inflammatory response. The study revealed stronger hepatic changes in the renal failure groups fed with the high fat diet rather than that in the groups fed with the high fructose diet. Although, the latter experienced a stronger deterioration in the glycemic control. The study suggests that the incidence of the hepatic changes is more linked to the incidence of the deterioration in the lipids profile that was observed after the high fat diet feeding. Overall, the co-incidence of the high fat diet induced metabolic syndrome along with the renal failure constitutes a risk factor for the hepatic dysfunction.



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