Minimization of ripples in stator current and torque of PMSM drive using advanced predictive current controller based on deadbeat control theory

  • Shukla, Suryakant (Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University) ;
  • Sreejeth, Mini (Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University) ;
  • Singh, Madhusudan (Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University)
  • Received : 2020.06.11
  • Accepted : 2020.09.01
  • Published : 2021.01.20


An advanced predictive current controller (APCC) based on deadbeat (DB) control theory for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives is proposed in this paper, where the optimum voltage vector is computed offline by solving an optimization problem. The optimum voltage vector along with a zero-voltage vector (ZVV) is applied to the motor under steady state condition to minimize ripples in the stator current. To achieve a fast dynamic response during the transient state, the voltage vector having the largest magnitude is applied for the complete duration of the control cycle. The phase of the voltage-vector is synchronized to control the components of the stator-current in a DB manner. In previously reported control methods, the two best voltage vectors (BVVs) are selected through enumeration and two independent duty ratios are calculated. However, this increases the computation complexity and computational time. The proposed APCC employs a novel approach in calculating the stator current references of PMSM using maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control. The effectiveness of the proposed APCC is investigated and compared with some recently reported predictive current controllers. The APCC improves the performance of PMSM drive under steady and transient operation with lower total harmonics distortion (THD) of the stator current and better torque dynamics.



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  1. Sensorless Predictive Current Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Powered by a Three-Level Inverter vol.11, pp.22, 2021,