Impact of Baseflow on Fish Community in the Ungcheon Stream, Korea

  • Choi, Byungwoong (Research Team on Ecological and Natural Map, Division of Ecological Survey Research, National Institute of Ecology) ;
  • Oh, Woo Seok (Research Team on Ecological and Natural Map, Division of Ecological Survey Research, National Institute of Ecology) ;
  • Kim, Nam Shin (Research Team on Ecological and Natural Map, Division of Ecological Survey Research, National Institute of Ecology) ;
  • Cha, Jin Yeol (Research Team on Ecological and Natural Map, Division of Ecological Survey Research, National Institute of Ecology) ;
  • Lim, Chi Hong (Research Team on Ecological and Natural Map, Division of Ecological Survey Research, National Institute of Ecology)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.29
  • 심사 : 2021.09.29
  • 발행 : 2021.11.01


This study investigated the impact of baseflow on fish community in the Ungcheon stream (16.5 km long) located downstream of the Boryeong Dam, Korea. Based on field monitoring, there were five dominant fish species in the Ungcheon Stream accounting for 75% of the total fish community: Zacco platypus, Zacco koreanus, Tridentiger brevispinis, Rhinogobius brunneus, and Pungtungia herzi. These five fish species were selected as target species. HydroGeoSphere (HGS) and River2D models were used for hydrologic and hydraulic simulations, respectively. A habitat suitability index model was used to simulate fish habitat. To assess the impact of baseflow, each representative discharge was examined with or without baseflow. The HGS model was used to calculate baseflow within the study reach. This baseflow was observed to increase gradually with longitudinal distance. Validation of the hydraulic model dem onstrated that computed water surface elevated when baseflow was included, which was in good agreement with measured data, as opposed to the result when baseflow was excluded. Composite suitability index distributions and weighted usable area in the study reach were presented for target species. Simulations indicated that the baseflow significantly increased habitat suitability for the entire fish community. These results demonstrate that there should be a substantial focus on the baseflow for physical habitat simulation.



This work was supported by a grant (NIE-A-2021-03) from the National Institute of Ecology (NIE) funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Republic of Korea.


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