염생식물 도깨비고비의 항산화 및 항염증 효과

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Halophyte Cyrtomium falcatum

  • 김현모 (한국해양대학교 해양과학융합학부) ;
  • 김호준 (한국해양바이오클러스터) ;
  • 공창숙 (신라대학교 의생명과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이봉호 (한밭대학교 공과대학 화학생명공학과) ;
  • 심현보 (인천과학예술영재학교) ;
  • 서영완 (한국해양대학교 해양과학융합학부)
  • Kim, Hyunmo (Division of Convergence on Marine Science, Korea Maritime & Ocean University) ;
  • Kim, Hojun (Korea Ocean Biocluster) ;
  • Kong, Chang-Suk (Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Medical and Life Sciences, Silla University) ;
  • Lee, Bong Ho (Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanbat National University) ;
  • Sim, Hyun-Bo (Incheon Academy of Science and Arts) ;
  • Seo, Youngwan (Division of Convergence on Marine Science, Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.10
  • 심사 : 2021.07.06
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


In the present study, the halophyte C. falcatum extract and its solvent fractions (n-hexane, 85% aqueous methanol, n-butanol, and water) were evaluated for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Antioxidative ability was measured by DPPH radical, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and peroxynitrite scavenging, DNA oxidation inhibition, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). For DPPH radical and peroxynitrite scavenging, DNA oxidation inhibition, and FRAP, 85% aq.MeOH and n-BuOH fractions showed significant scavenging activity. For production of intracellular ROS in HT-1080 cells, 85% aq.MeOH fraction showed the highest scavenging activity. In addition, anti-inflammatory activity was also assessed by measuring the inhibitory effect against mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory factors (NO, IL-1β, IL-6 and COX-2) in LPS-stimulated Raw 264.7 macrophages. For NO production, crude extract exhibited a strong inhibitory effect at a concentration of 100 ㎍/ml. For mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, and COX-2), n-BuOH greatly suppressed expression levels of IL-1β and IL-6 at 100 ㎍/ml concentration while 85% aq. MeOH fraction significantly inhibited that of COX-2 even at 100 ㎍/ml. These results suggest that C. falcatum may be used as a potential source for the development of a natural antioxidant or anti-inflammatory agent.



본 연구는 과학기술정보통신부의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업(No. 2019R1F1A1059325)의 연구결과입니다.


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