Binomial Distribution Based Reputation for WSNs: A Comprehensive Survey

  • Wei, Zhe (School of Computer Science, Civil Aviation Flight University of China) ;
  • Yu, Shuyan (Shaoxing University Yuanpei College)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.21
  • 심사 : 2021.09.16
  • 발행 : 2021.10.31


Most secure solutions like cryptography are software based and they are designed to mainly deal with the outside attacks for traditional networks, but such soft security is hard to be implemented in wireless sensor networks to counter the inside attacks from internal malicious nodes. To address this issue, reputation has been introduced to tackle the inside malicious nodes. Reputation is essentially a stimulating mechanism for nodes' cooperation and is employed to detect node misbehaviors and improve the trust-worthiness between individual nodes. Among the reputation models, binomial distribution based reputation has many advantages such as light weight and ease of implementation in resource-constraint sensor nodes, and accordingly researchers have proposed many insightful related methods. However, some of them either directly use the modelling results, apply the models through simple modifications, or only use the required components while ignoring the others as an integral part of the whole model, this topic still lacks a comprehensive and systematical review. Thus the motivation of this study is to provide a thorough survey concerning each detailed functional components of binomial distribution based reputation for wireless sensor networks. In addition, based on the survey results, we also argue some open research problems and suggest the directions that are worth future efforts. We believe that this study is helpful to better understanding the reputation modeling mechanism and its components for wireless sensor networks, and can further attract more related future studies.


1. Introduction

In wireless sensor networks, or WSNs, individual sensors are resource constraint devices with limited computing power and memory capacity, and they are usually deployed in unattended areas where adversaries could possibly physically take over a sensor and obtain the secret information stored within the sensor. However, traditional security schemes such as cryptography and authentication are mainly applied to defend against the external attacks rather than the internal ones [1]. Some studies demonstrate reputation or trust mechanism is becoming an effective approach to detect and defend against the internal attacks for WSNs [2].

Reputation of an entity is an expectation of its behavior based on other entities’ observations or the collective information about the entity’s past behavior within a specific context at a given time [3]. In wireless sensor networks, the main characteristics of a reputation system framework are reputation expression, reputation construction, reputation updating and reputation management that is for the reputation evaluation and fusion. Generally, in wireless sensor networks, the reputation of a given node is maintained and stored by its neighbors, and in the reputation system, each node keeps (direct) reputation information about other nodes (usually within the communication range). The (direct) reputation information of each node is exchanged and shared regularly in the network, and the direct reputation information and the shared indirect reputation information from other nodes are fused by a certain algorithm to form a relatively complete reputation value about a node.

Many existing reputation systems are constructed based on statistical characteristics, such as game theory [4-7], machine learning [8-11], block chain [12-15], D-S theory [16-17], fuzzy logic [18-19], and Bayesian theorem [20-45]. These systems try to resist the selfish behavior or malicious behavior of nodes by emphasizing the cooperation between those nodes. This study focuses on the binomial distribution based reputation because it is a light-weight mechanism and energy efficient to be implemented in resource constrained individual sensors. Recently, researchers have proposed many methods to use binomial distribution based reputation modeling for WSNs. However, some either directly use the modelling results, apply the models through simple modifications, or only use the required components while ignoring the others as an integral part of the whole model. By far, this topic still lacks a comprehensive and systematical review. Thus the motivation of this study is to provide a thorough survey concerning the binomial distribution based reputation for wireless sensor networks.

The contributions and organization of this study are as follows. The determination of node behaviors will have a significant impact on the decision-making of the reputation system, and the research on node behaviors is helpful to accurately build the reputation engine. Therefore, in Sec. 2 we start from the study of node behavior classification and characteristics in WSNs, and make a more detailed analysis on node behavior classification, behavior characteristics, causes of abnormal behavior nodes, and categories of node types. Then, in Sec.3 this paper discusses the two important information sources in the reputation system, i.e., the concept of direct reputation and indirect reputation, and the different academic viewpoints of reputation fusion between them. Next, in Sec.4 this paper covers the essential requirements and main steps of reputation management, and summarizes the typical management modes in wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, in Sec.5 about the reputation modeling methods, through studying classic related literatures, this paper systematically showcases a comprehensive theoretical research and method review on the reputation model based on binomial distribution from the perspective of reputation engine, reputation fusion, and reputation aging. Lastly, according to the survey results, we argue some open research problems and suggest the directions that are worth future efforts in Sec. 6, and Sec.7 concludes this study.

2. Node Behaviors

The essence of a reputation system is to discover the abnormal behaviors of nodes in time and punish or isolate those nodes from the system so that the damage caused can be minimized. In [29], the behaviors of nodes in wireless sensor networks are categorized into data perception and data communication, and the corresponding abnormal behaviors are divided into false data behavior and bad communication behavior. The causes of false data behaviors can be attributed to the following three aspects:

1)Due to the destruction of the node, energy exhaustion, or the failure of sensing components and other components, i.e., the false data is caused by the failure of the node itself;

2) Due to the long-term exposure of the node to the outside, the influence of the surrounding environment, or the interference of the channel signal;

3) Due to the capture of the node and failure of communication to the other nodes.

There are two main reasons for bad communication behaviors:

1) The behavior of the node itself is selfish. For the sake of saving its own energy, the node does not forward the data or selectively forwards part of the data;

2) The behavior of the node itself is malicious. When the node forwards the data, it injects false information or routes the data to other paths intentionally.

Based on the observation of node behaviors, Yang et al. [46] divide the node types into three categories: legitimate node, selfish node, and malicious node.

1) Legitimate node: a legitimate node or legal node can correctly deliver the received data packet to the next node on the premise of ensuring the integrity of the transmitted data packet. The legitimate nodes are to maintain the normal operation of the network;

2) Selfish node: a selfish node discards the received data packets in order to reduce its own energy loss or save its own computing resources, which makes these data packets cannot reach the next node. The selfish behavior of nodes will reduce the reliability of the network.

3) Malicious node: the main purpose of a malicious node is to attack and destroy the network, which reduces the integrity of the network and poses a great threat to the network security. For example, during the routing request, malicious nodes provide the wrong routing information or intentionally pass the data packets to other nodes outside the right path; during the data packet transmission, they tamper with the data packet to be submitted or inject the wrong data into the data packet. Malicious nodes can also collude with other malicious ones to jointly attack a node, such as reducing the reputation of this node.

In addition, according to the behaving characteristics of nodes, the behaviors of nodes are further divided into the following five categories:

1) Continuous malicious behaving node. Malicious behaviors of these nodes are frequent, such as always injecting or modifying packets received and sending them to other nodes;

2) Intermittent malicious behaving node. Malicious behaviors of these node are sometimes present while absent in other times;

3) Continuous selfish behaving node. Continuous selfish behaving nodes generally do not inject or modify the data packets they receive, but for some reasons such as saving their own resources, they will continuously reject the services requested by other nodes or often discard the data packets they receive;

4) Intermittent selfish behaving node. Compared with continuous selfish behaving nodes, intermittent selfish behaving nodes will intermittently reject the services requested by other nodes or sometimes discard the data packets they receive;

5) Intermittent friendly behaving node. An intermittent friendly behaving node sometimes discards the received data packets due to temporary failures such as communication errors;

Generally, if the behavior of a node is always good, its reputation value will continue to add up, and vice versa. For example, in a process of a routing information request, when A successfully responds to the routing information request from B, B will correspondingly improve the reputation value of A based on the behavior result of A. Nodes with good behaviors (nodes with high reputation value) will also be given preferential treatment in the network. For example, node E has four neighbor nodes: A, B, C, and D. These neighbor nodes have different reputation values, and E usually chooses D which has the highest reputation value to cooperate with in a certain task.

3. Direct and Indirect Reputation

Reputation modeling is to express mathematically how one node in the network judges or scores the results of another node's behavior. In wireless sensor networks, the information needed for reputation modeling mainly comes from two aspects: direct reputation which comes from the direct observation of nodes themselves; indirect reputation that comes from the direct observation of neighboring nodes.

Although direct observation is simple and intuitive, it is also subjective and one-sided. Therefore, in addition to direct observation, it is necessary to integrate, analyze and process the direct observation results from other nodes, that is, to form indirect observation results. Reputation information obtained through indirect observation is also called second-hand reputation information. It can be seen that the establishment of direct reputation does not need the participation of the third parties, while the establishment of indirect reputation is completed with the participation of the third parties.

In a system with direct and indirect reputation, all nodes need to broadcast their own direct reputation information tables about the third-party nodes to their neighbors regularly. For example, when node A receives the direct reputation about node C from node B, A will use a certain algorithm to fuse its own direct reputation about C with the direct reputation about C from B so as to compute the comprehensive reputation of C.

However, there are some controversies about the advantages and disadvantages of indirect reputation information. In wireless sensor networks, the sharing of indirect reputation information often means extra communication overhead. This is because the purpose of indirect reputation sharing is to make the reputation information of a node public. Although it helps the system to shorten the identification time of abnormal behaving nodes, the maintenance and transmission of indirect reputation will not only lead to the extra overhead of a single node, but also brings extra cost to the whole network system [47]. Similar views can be found in [48] that the indirect reputation information obtained by other nodes cannot bring accuracy and reliability to the reputation computing, instead it makes the reputation system vulnerable to external attacks, such as bad mouth attack and ballot stuffing attack [49].

Besides, the reputation of normal nodes can be improved or reduced by malicious nodes colluding with each other at any time [50]. Therefore, in [51], node reputation only comes from direct reputation, and indirect reputation exchange is not allowed. Nevertheless, some literatures such as [20-21] support the combination of direct reputation and indirect reputation so as to improve the objectivity of the reputation.

Although the combination of direct reputation information and indirect reputation information can more comprehensively measure the reputation of a node, the introduction of indirect reputation will also bring certain risks to the whole system. We believe that the indirect reputation should be used, but it is necessary to find a balance between the two, so that both can better serve the reputation system. Related methods and how to implement the indirect reputation is presented in Section 5.

4. Reputation Management

Reputation management usually refers to the management of reputation source and reputation evaluation in a reputation system. A reputation system can be divided into two main types: centralized and distributed. The structure of a reputation system determines how the reputation evaluation is transferred and exchanged among system participants.

4.1 Requirements

In the reputation system, the nodes participating in a certain task in the network evaluate the reputation of their cooperative nodes and gradually form a trust relationship. Therefore, reputation management is a framework to establish and manage the trust relationship between these nodes [52], further, the reputation management should meet the following requirements:

1) Decentralized management mode. Each node in the network is an autonomous entity, and it should have the ability to make decisions independently in terms of reputation management and configuration. The management should be based on P2P or Ad hoc mode, and the reliance on centralized management mode should be avoided;

2) Simple usage and low operation overhead. The reputation management model should be oriented to end users, so the management mode should be as simple as possible, and the parameters in the management model can be obtained by mathematical model, rather than by subjective or abstract way of human intervention. In addition, the operation requirements of the reputation model should be as low as possible so that it can be used in most network nodes, and nodes can adopt the reputation management model at any time, in any place and any network environment.

3) Management should be dynamic and cooperative. The establishment and maintenance of the reputation management model should be dynamic and change with time. Reputation information should be shared by different nodes or entities locally, and the whole network should be managed by the mutual cooperation of these entities;

4) Establishment of untrusted model and granularity of trust evaluation. In the reputation management, untrusted nodes and trusted nodes are equally important, and the management should be able to effectively identify malicious nodes and avoid any transactions or cooperation with them. In addition, granularity also makes the reputation evaluation of nodes more accurate than pure numerical data.

5) Management should have a certain anti-attack ability. Because the nodes in the network are often exposed outdoors, they are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external attacks, so the reputation management system should have a certain anti-attack ability, make a timely response to the attack and have the corresponding countermeasures.

4.2 Main Steps

In wireless sensor networks, the reputation management system plays a very important role in the decision-making, and another main function is to solve the uncertainty. Uncertainty refers to the uncertainty of the results in a certain environment. Uncertainty mainly comes from the following aspects: asymmetric information, that is, one party does not have all the information about the other party; speculative, namely, the two parties involved have different purposes. Due to the existence of uncertainty, a node cannot determine the behavior of the other party before the transaction or cooperation, especially when the partner is a potential malicious node, it will have a certain negative impact on the cooperation initiator. Therefore, uncertainty is one of the problems that must be solved in wireless sensor networks, the reputation mechanism can help nodes to avoid the above problems and choose nodes with good reputation to cooperate with [53-54], and the reputation management in wireless sensor networks can generally follow the steps:

1) In addition to a node’s own direct observation, that node can ask its nearby nodes about the reputation information of the third-party node, that is, reputation can be obtained indirectly;

2) Fuse the direct reputation and indirect reputation so as to compute the reputation of the node to be evaluated;

3) Select the node with the highest reputation among all nodes and request services from it;

4) After the service is provided, reputation of the node is evaluated according to the service quality or user satisfaction, and the reputation is then updated accordingly.

5. Binomial Distribution Based Reputation

Among many theoretical methods of reputation modeling, statistical methods such as Beta distribution, Poisson distribution and Gaussian distribution have been widely concerned by scholars. Among these methods, binomial distribution is widely used to build reputation. This method is simple and has strong statistical basis in theory. In particular, this method only needs two parameters which can represent the number of positive evaluations and negative evaluations respectively in practical applications, making it very suitable for reputation construction of wireless sensor networks. More importantly, this method is light-weight suitable for resource constraint sensor nodes. Literatures such as [20-45] and [55-69] use this reputation method which generally consists of three components, i.e., reputation engine, reputation fusion, and reputation aging.

5.1 Reputation Engine

Before describing the reputation engine, the definition of Beta distribution function is given by

\(\operatorname{Beta}(\alpha, \beta)=\int_{0}^{1} v^{\alpha-1}(1-v)^{\beta-1} d v\)       (1)

where (α, β) is called the shape parameter of Beta distribution. The probability density function of Beta distribution is defined by

\(f(p \mid \alpha, \beta)=\frac{p^{\alpha-1}(1-p)^{\beta-1}}{\operatorname{Beta}(\alpha, \beta)}\)       (2)

where 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 is the probability variable. Traditionally, Beta probability density function f(p | α, β) is usually described and expressed by gamma function Γ, (1) is redefined by

\(f(p \mid a, \beta)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)} p^{\alpha-1}(1-p)^{\beta-1}\)       (3)

where Γ(n) = n!. The mathematical expectation of Beta distribution is defined by

\(E(p)=\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}\)       (4)

In a wireless sensor network, for example, assume that there are n nodes (N1, N2,...Nn). After being deployed, any pair of nodes (Ni, Nj) ⊆ N can communicate directly with each other. Suppose that under a certain monitoring mechanism, the outcome of a transaction (such as data transmission, routing information request and response, etc.) between nodes only has two states: success or failure, cooperation or non-cooperation. Now N1 wants to request routing information from its neighbor nodes (N2, N3,...,Nn) , and the probability that these neighbor nodes will respond is (p2, p3,...,pn) respectively. In practice, it is impossible for N1 to determine the specific value of (p2, p3,...,pn) in advance, but pcan be regarded as the probability of success of random test in binomial distribution. In addition, according to Casella [70], for any distribution, there is a natural prior distribution family called conjugate family. In Bayesian theory, Beta distribution can be regarded as the prior distribution of binomial distribution, and pi can be obtained according to (4) which it is defined by

\(E\left(p_{i}\right)=\frac{\alpha_{i}}{\alpha_{i}+\beta_{i}}\)       (5)

In applications, N1 can estimate pby recording Ni’s response times αand non-response times βi in previous routing information requests. In (5), E(pi) can usually be regarded as the reputation value of node Nin some activities such as routing information response, while αi and βi can be regarded as the number of cooperation (positive evaluation) and non-cooperation (negative evaluation) in these activities respectively.

After Ni selects Ni for cooperation, the next step is to update the reputation of N1. In Bayesian statistical inference, the posterior distribution of binomial distribution is also Beta distribution. Jøsang et al. [60] use the following method to update the reputation: considering the number of responses αi and the number of non-responses βi recorded by node N1 about Ni in the past routing information responses, the probability density function that node Ncan respond to the next routing information request is as defined by

\(f\left(p^{\prime} \mid a+1, \beta+1\right)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta+2)}{\Gamma(\alpha+1) \Gamma(\beta+1)} p^{{^{(\alpha-1)}}\left(1-p^{\prime}\right)^{\beta-1}}\)       (6)

and its mathematical expectation is defined by

\(E\left(p^{\prime}\right)=\frac{\alpha+1}{\alpha+\beta+2}\)       (7)

Many literatures such as [26-29, 55-69] used the above method to update the reputation. The following presents the detail process which can be further referred in RFSN.

1) Define the node transaction content and the evaluation result. RFSN defines a transaction as two nodes in the network participating in and completing a task that requires mutual cooperation, such as data packet switching and transmission. After the completion of each task, both sides will evaluate the other party according to the completion of the task. RFSN defines the evaluation results as cooperative and non- cooperative.

2) Compute the node reputationθ. Before performing a task, entities usually instinctively choose other entities with good reputation to cooperate with. In RFSN, reputation θ is used to represent the probability that node Ni can cooperate when other nodes send data packet delivery requests to it. The binomial distribution in statistics meets the modeling conditions when only the node behavior is considered to be cooperative or non-cooperative. Like (6), in RFSN, Beta distribution is used as the prior distribution function of binomial distribution, and binomial distribution function f(θ) is used to express θ,i.e.

\(f(\theta)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)} \theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}\)       (8)

where θ ∈ [0,1], α, β > 0 . In the process of solving θ, similar to (7), the method of calculating the mathematical expectation is used, namely

\(E(\theta)=\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}\)       (9)

3) Compute node transaction evaluation Y. After computing the value of θ, it can be regarded as the success probability of Bernoulli test, and let Y ∈[0,1] represent the evaluation of node Ni by other nodes when the data packet is transferred. According to the definition of binomial distribution, Y is defined by

\(P(Y \mid \theta)=\theta^{Y}(1-\theta)^{1-Y}\)       (10)

4) Compute the posterior distribution of θ (reputation update). After the transaction, since the posterior distribution of binomial distribution is still Beta distribution, the posterior probability of θ is defined by

\(P(\theta \mid Y)=\frac{P(Y \mid \theta) P(\theta)}{\int P(Y \mid \theta) P(\theta) d \theta} \sim \operatorname{Beta}(\alpha+Y, \beta+1-Y)\)       (11)

Equation (11) shows that the posterior probability P(θ|Y) follows the Beta distribution with parameter(α+Y, β+1−Y). It can be seen that when the data packet transmission is completed, the two reputation parameters of node Ni turn into

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha^{\text {new }}=\alpha^{\text {old }}+Y \\ \beta^{\text {new }}=\beta^{\text {old }}+1-Y \end{array}\right.\)       (12)

Then the mathematical expectation of Ni’s reputation θ after completing the task is

\(E(\theta)=\frac{\alpha^{\text {new }}+Y}{\alpha^{\text {new }}+Y+\beta^{\text {new }}+1-Y}\)       (13)

In the case of n times of the same task and with evaluation Y1, Y2, ..., Yn ∈[0,1], according to RFSN, the posterior distribution of θ of node Ni is still beta distribution, and its two reputation parameters become

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha^{\text {new }}=\alpha^{\text {old }}+n \bar{Y} \\ \beta^{\text {new }}=\beta^{\text {old }}+n(1-\bar{Y}) \end{array}\right.\)       (14)

and the reputation θ is updated to

\(E(\theta)=\frac{\alpha^{\text {old }}+n \bar{Y}}{\alpha^{\text {old }}+n \bar{Y}+\beta^{\text {old }}+n(1-\bar{Y})}\)       (15)

From the above computing principle of reputation engine, it can be seen that the reputation calculation is based on the past behavior of the supervised node directly observed by the supervising node through a certain supervising or detecting mechanism. For example, Ozdemir [61] sets the network card of node to be promiscuous mode for direct reputation observation whereby node A observes the number of the correct delivery, discarding or malicious modification of the data packets by node B. Node A inputs these observed results as shape parameters into the reputation model and obtains the reputation parameters of node B according to the mathematical expectation of the reputation model.

On computing the direct reputation, Liu et al. [46] use a mechanism called moving mechanism to deal with the malicious behavior of some nodes. If the malicious behavior of the node exceeds the specified threshold, the size of the moving window will be halved, and the reputation value of the node will be dropped rapidly, which means that the malicious node will be detected by the system quickly. If the malicious node attempts to change its behavior, i.e. its behavior becomes friendly, the size of the moving window will be increased, which indicates that the malicious node can redeem its reputation within a certain period of time. Hence the moving mechanism can reduce the impact of malicious behavior of nodes on the system to a certain extent, but for the selfish behavior of nodes, [46] does not specifically discuss how to deal with them.

In addition, the size of moving window also affects the result of reputation computing. If the window is too small, the system will be greatly affected by the node behavior, which is not suitable for the wireless sensor networks that transmit data through wireless mode and sometimes suffer from packet errors related to the transmission medium. If the window is too large, the system will react slowly to the behavior of nodes, which is not conducive to detecting malicious nodes in time. Yet the selection of the window size is not discussed in detail.

5.2 Reputation Fusion

Reputation system is easy to be cheated by false reputation information (malicious bad comments or false praise). Drawbacks could exist by using only direct reputation obtained by direct observation, such as subjectivity, incomprehensibility, and not making full use of all available indirect reputation information. In addition, due to the data packet conflict or other errors related to the transmission medium, the direct monitoring mode of direct reputation will occasionally produce wrong observation results and inaccurate direct reputation information.

Consider the following situation: it is believed that the higher the reputation of a node is, the more likely the node is to be selected by other nodes as the partner of a task; assume that the reputation of node A is 0.65 and that of node B is 0.651, if the node with the highest reputation is selected according to the general principle, B is naturally selected; however, the reputation difference between node A and node B is only 0.001, which can be ignored to a certain extent. Because the reputation difference between them is so small, no matter whom is selected, there may be little difference in the result of cooperation. So it is unfair not to choose A. Intuition tells us that in addition to using direct reputation information, indirect reputation information from third parties is also very important.

In fact, the convergence time of a reputation system using only direct reputation is very long, so it is necessary to add indirect reputation to confirm the direct reputation information [21]. In addition, the direct reputation is based on the subjective observation of the observed object, and the indirect reputation from all the third parties can modify the direct reputation, making the direct reputation more accurate and objective. However, the two kinds of reputation should be integrated in a more reasonable way, otherwise malicious nodes through colluding with each other launch attacks on a node with good reputation, and over time, more good behaving nodes will become victims [61].

Therefore, it is necessary for the wireless sensor network node to evaluate the reputation information of other nodes directly observed by itself, and then share the reputation information with other nodes in the network. In [71], this shared reputation information is called soft data. In the reputation system, soft data needs to be properly processed before it can be integrated into the reputation system. However, different reputation systems use different methods to solve the problem of what kind of indirect reputation information or soft data can be shared. For example, some reputation system prohibits the spread and sharing of negative reputation information, so as to reduce the joint attacks launched by malicious nodes. West [71] proposes a method of sharing all indirect reputation information. Momani et al. [71] use expert opinion method [72-73] (the opinion provided by the knowledge source is called expert opinion, which is a method of combining soft data and hard data according to the rule of probability) to further verify the effectiveness of the indirect reputation from each node.

In order to avoid false indirect reputation information fusion, Rackley [74] calculates whether the Euclidean distance between direct reputation information and indirect reputation information is less than the given value. Once satisfied, the indirect reputation and the direct reputation can be fused.

While in [68], node Ni in the network not only keeps its own direct reputation information about its neighbor nodes such as Nj, but also exchanges reputation information with other nodes in the network. In addition, when certain conditions are met, it also receives indirect reputation information from other nodes such as Nk. Therefore, the reputation fusion of nodes in the network includes two aspects:

1) Self-direct reputation information fusion. RDAS [24] uses the reputation calculation method similar to (12), but uses the following method when updating reputation.

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i, j}^{\prime}=u \alpha_{i, j}+s \\ \beta_{i, j}^{\prime}=u \beta_{i, j}+(1-s) \end{array}\right.\)       (16)

where (αi,j, βi,j) is the past reputation parameter of node Nj held by node Ni, (αi,j', βi,j') is the current reputation parameter to be computed, and u is the discount factor aiming to weaken the influence of past reputation parameter. When Nj and Ni are judged to cooperate in a certain transaction s = 1, otherwise s = 0.

2) The direct reputation is fused with the direct reputation from other nodes. For example, when node Ni fuses the reputation parameter about Nj from node Nk, it does not simply use the method of adding reputation parameters, but first checks the deviation of two groups of reputation parameters whether it satisfies

\(\mid E\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i, j}, \beta_{i, j}\right)\right)-E\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{k, j}, \beta_{k, j}\right) \mid \leq D\right.\)       (17)

where D > 0 is the deviation and is a constant. Only when the above condition is satisfied can Ni fuse the reputation about Nj from node Nk. The weighted addition method is applied as:

\(E^{\prime}\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i, j}, \beta_{i, j}\right)\right)=E\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i, j}, \beta_{i, j}\right)\right)+w E\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{k, j}, \beta_{k, j}\right)\right)\)       (18)

where w > 0 is the weight. RDAS also uses a similar reputation updating method. Lastly, the behavior of node Nk is determined according to the fused reputation information. The results are as follows.

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \text { Normal, if } E^{\prime}\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i, j}, \beta_{i, j}\right)\right) \geq T \\ \text { Malicious, if } E^{\prime}\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i, j}, \beta_{i, j}\right)\right)       (19)

where T > 0 is the given reputation threshold.

Similarly, to effectively deal with malicious behavior from high reputation nodes, I-BRSN [75] introduces the credibility of the third-party node and calculates it in the following way:

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i k}=\alpha_{i k}+w, \quad\left|C_{i j}-C_{k j}\right|=\left|\frac{\alpha_{i j}+1}{\alpha_{i j}+\beta_{i j}+2}-\frac{\alpha_{k j}+1}{\alpha_{k j}+\beta_{k j}+2}\right| \leq \theta \quad \theta \in[0,1) \\ \beta_{i k}=\beta_{i k}+w, \quad\left|C_{i j}-C_{k j}\right|=\left|\frac{\alpha_{i j}+1}{\alpha_{i j}+\beta_{i j}+2}-\frac{\alpha_{k j}+1}{\alpha_{k j}+\beta_{k j}+2}\right|>\theta \quad \theta \in[0,1) \end{array}\right.\)       (20)

where αij and βik are the reputation parameters of node k held by node i, w is a constant, Cij and Ckj are the credibility of node j held by node i and node k respectively. When the absolute value of the difference between Cij and C kj is greater than the predefined threshold value θ, it means that node i and node k have a large deviation about the reputation of node j, then node k is considered to deliberately improve or reduce the reputation of node j, and the penalty measure is taken as \(\beta_{i k}^{I R}=\beta_{i k}^{I R}+w\), otherwise \(\alpha_{i k}^{I R}=\alpha_{i k}^{I R}+w\).

Jøsang et al. [60] use two methods of reputation information fusion. The first method uses the direct addition of reputation parameters, and the second one uses the BD (belief discounting) for reputation fusion. Suppose there are three nodes N1, N2 and N3 in the network. In a certain transaction, the reputation parameters of N2 and N3 held by N1 are (α1,2, β1,2) and (α1,3, β1,3) respectively, while the reputation parameters of N3 held by N2 in this transaction are (α2,3, β2,3).

In the first fusion method, the reputation parameters about N3 held by N1 are fused by the reputation parameters about N3 held by N2, and the results are as follows:

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{1,3}^{2}=\alpha_{1,3}+\alpha_{2,3} \\ \beta_{1,3}^{2}=\beta_{1,3}+\beta_{2,3} \end{array}\right.\)       (21)

Although using (21) for reputation fusion calculation is relatively simple, but the reliability of reputation about node N3 from node N2 is still worth further discussion, which also makes the reputation system vulnerable to attacks like bad mouth attack and ballot stuffing attack.

In ballot stuffing, malicious entities usually collude to give a positive evaluation to an entity, which makes the reputation of the latter improve rapidly in a short time, and also makes the latter qualified (for malicious purposes) to engage in a task. On the contrary, in the bad mouth attack, malicious entities collude with each other to give a negative evaluation to an entity, which makes the reputation of the latter decrease rapidly in a short time, and eventually leads to the latter not qualified to participate in network tasks or isolated by the network [49].

The second method uses Dempster Shafer [16] theory to deal with reputation fusion, or BD (belief discounting) method. BD method uses opinion to describe the credibility of a statement. The opinion is a triple. For example, the opinion of node X to node Y is expressed as

\(O_{Y}^{X}=\left(b_{Y}^{X}, d_{Y}^{X}, u_{Y}^{X}\right)\)       (22)

where \(b_{y}^{x}+d_{y}^{x}+u_{y}^{x}=1, b_{y}^{x}, d_{y}^{x}, u_{y}^{x} \in[0,1]\). \(b_{y}^{x}(\text { belief })\) and \(d_{y}^{x}(\text { disbelief })\) represent the probability that the statement made by node X to node Y is correct or not, while \(u_{Y}^{x}(\text { uncertainty })\) represents the uncertain degree that the statement made by node X to node Y is correct or not.

Let node Y's opinion on node T be \(T \text { be } O_{T}^{y}=\left(b_{r}^{y}, d_{r}^{y}, u_{r}^{y}\right)\), then node X's opinion on node T through \(Y \text { is } O_{T}^{x: Y}=\left(b_{T}^{x: Y}, d_{T}^{x: Y}, u_{T}^{x: Y}\right)\), and according to [60], \(b_{T}^{X: Y}, d_{T}^{X: Y}, u_{T}^{X: Y}\) satisfies

\(b_{T}^{X: Y}=b_{Y}^{X} b_{T}^{Y}, d_{T}^{X: Y}=d_{Y}^{X} d_{T}^{Y}, u_{T}^{X: Y}=d_{Y}^{X}+u_{Y}^{X}+b_{Y}^{X} u_{T}^{Y}\)       (23)

Map the above equation to Beta reputation model, the following relationship is obtained

\(b=\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta+2}, d=\frac{\beta}{\alpha+\beta+2}, u=\frac{2}{\alpha+\beta+2}\)       (24)

Substitute (24) into (23), the following relationship is obtained

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{1,3}^{2}=\alpha_{1,3}+\frac{2 \alpha_{1,2} \alpha_{2,3}}{\left(\beta_{1,2}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{2,3}+\beta_{2,3}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{1,2}} \\ \beta_{1,3}^{2}=\beta_{1,3}+\frac{2 \alpha_{1,2} \beta_{2,3}}{\left(\beta_{1,2}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{2,3}+\beta_{2,3}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{1,2}} \end{array}\right.\)       (25)

In [21], the reputation fusion method is similar to that in [60], but it is slightly different in expression. In [21], the reputation fusion is expressed as

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{j}^{\text {new }}=\alpha_{j}+\frac{2 \alpha_{k} \alpha_{j}^{k}}{\left(\beta_{k}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{j}^{k}+\beta_{j}^{k}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{k}} \\ \beta_{j}^{\text {new }}=\beta_{j}+\frac{2 \alpha_{k} \beta_{j}^{k}}{\left(\beta_{k}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{j}^{k}+\beta_{j}^{k}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{k}} \end{array}\right.\)       (26)

where (αj, βj) and(αk, βk) represent the reputation parameters of node j and k held by node i respectively, and \(\left(\alpha_{j}^{k}, \beta_{j}^{k}\right)\) represents the reputation parameters of node j held by node k. \(\left(\alpha_{j}^{\text {new }}, \beta_{j}^{\text {new }}\right)\) is the final result of reputation fusion. Perez-Toro et al. [24] combine the reputation fusion methods used in [69] and [60], and compute the reputation fusion as follows

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i, j}^{\text {new }}=u \alpha_{i, j}+r_{i, j}+\sum_{k \in N} D\left(\alpha_{k, j}\right) \\ \beta_{i, j}^{\text {new }}=u \beta_{i, j}+s_{i, j}+\sum_{k \in N} D\left(\beta_{k, j}\right) \end{array}\right.\)       (27)

where (ri,j, si,j) is the increment of reputation parameter, µ is similar to that in (16), and \(\sum_{k \in N} D\left(r_{k, j}\right)\) and \(\sum_{k \in N} D\left(s_{k, j}\right)\) are defined by

\(\sum_{k \in N} D\left(\alpha_{k, j}\right)=\sum_{k \in N} \frac{2 \alpha_{i, k} \alpha_{k, j}}{\left(\beta_{i, k}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{k, j}+\beta_{k, j}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{i, k}}\)       (28)

\(\sum_{k \in N} D\left(\beta_{k, j}\right)=\sum_{k \in N} \frac{2 \alpha_{i, k} \beta_{k, j}}{\left(\beta_{i, k}+2\right)\left(\alpha_{k, j}+\beta_{k, j}+2\right)+2 \alpha_{i, k}}\)       (29)

where k is any third-party node and N is the set of nodes except node i and j.

In addition, to avoid the malicious reputation evaluation from the third-party node, Yin et al. [75] mainly adopt direct reputation supplemented by the indirect reputation during the reputation fusion. The proposed method is shown as follows.

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}=\omega_{1} \alpha_{i j}+\omega_{2} \alpha_{i \wedge j}^{k} \\ \beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}=\omega_{1} \beta_{i j}+\omega_{2} \beta_{i \wedge j}^{k} \end{array}\right.\)       (30)

where ωand ω2 are the corresponding weights and ω1= 1, ω1 > ω, the calculation of αki∧j and βki∧j is similar to that of (27).

Further, Zhou et al. [38] use the entropy theory to assign each reputation source node with different weights, the entropy of each reputation Ri is defined by

\(H\left(R^{i}\right)=-R^{i} \log _{2} R^{i}-\left(1-R^{i}\right) \log _{2}\left(1-R^{i}\right)\)       (31)

and each related weight is defined by

\(w_{i}=\left(1-\frac{H\left(R^{i}\right)}{\log _{2} R^{i}}\right) / \sum_{i=1}^{n} 1-\frac{H\left(R^{i}\right)}{\log _{2} R^{i}}\)       (32)

For the purpose of attacking normal nodes, the reputation evaluation of normal nodes by malicious nodes will usually deviate from the actual reputation, which can be identified by the entropy. However, due to its computing complexity, the entropy should be used advisably.

5.3 Reputation Aging

For reputation fusion, the behavior of nodes will change with time. For example, some nodes will maintain good reputation for a period of time and start malicious behavior in the following time. Therefore, the historical reputation parameter cannot accurately measure the current reputation situation. In addition, in order to hide their malicious behavior and not be found by other nodes, malicious nodes tend to maintain good behavior at the beginning, and then launch malicious attacks when the reputation accumulates to a high reputation.

To reduce the negative impact of the above problems on the system, many reputation systems adopt the reputation aging method as a coping strategy, and some literatures also call it reputation decay. The basic idea of reputation aging is that the historical reputation parameter is usually given a smaller weight when the reputation at different times is added, and a forgetting factor FF is introduced in the process of historical reputation information processing, which is a constant with value less than 1 and greater than 0. In order to avoid the problem that malicious nodes launch attacks when their reputation become higher, their reputation is usually weakened by multiplying with the forgetting factor. In [60], the historical reputation fusion parameters of node j held by node i through node k is defined by

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i, j}=\sum_{k=1}^{n} \alpha_{i, j}^{k} \\ \beta_{i, j}=\sum_{k=1}^{n} \beta_{i, j}^{k} \end{array}\right.\)       (33)

After introducing the forgetting factor 0 ≤ \(\xi\) ≤1, (33) is rewritten as

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i, j}^{\prime}=\sum_{k=1}^{n} \alpha_{i, j}^{k} \xi^{n-k} \\ \beta_{i, j}^{\prime}=\sum_{k=1}^{n} \beta_{i, j}^{k} \xi^{n-k} \end{array}\right.\)       (34)

It can be seen that in (34), the weight given by the historical reputation parameter will be smaller and smaller with the change of time, while the newer the reputation parameter is in time, the larger the weight is.

Similar to [60], in [21], the aging factor 0 ≤ ω ≤ 1 is used as follows

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i}^{n e w}=\omega \alpha_{i} \\ \beta_{i}^{n e w}=\omega \beta_{i} \end{array}\right.\)       (35)

How to select the value of 0 ≤ ω≤ 1 is relatively complex. In [21], the selection of aging factor is carried out by comparing credit system with and without the aging factor.

Similarly, Yin et al.[75] define the process of reputation aging by

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)=\eta * \alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t)+\alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(\Delta t) \\ \beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)=\eta * \beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t)+\beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(\Delta t) \end{array}\right.\)       (36)

where η ∈ (0, 1) is the forgetting factor, αij⊕i∧j(t) and βij⊕i∧j(t) represent the reputation parameters before time t+1, αij⊕i∧j(∆t) and βij⊕i∧j(∆t) represent the reputation parameters between time t+1 and t, i.e. the reputation parameters of the latest period.

Then the final reputation (direct and indirect) of node i about node j is defined as:

\(\begin{aligned} C_{i j}(t+1) &=E\left(\operatorname{Beta}\left(\alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)+1, \beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)\right)\right) \\ &=\frac{\alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)}{\alpha_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)+\beta_{i j \oplus i \wedge j}(t+1)+2} \end{aligned}\)       (37)

When Cij(t+1) is less than the specified threshold, node i considers j illegal or malicious.

In [38], a sliding window with m time slots and an adaptive forgetting factor θl are introduced and defined as

\(\theta_{l}=1-D^{l}, l=1,2, \ldots, m\)       (38)

where Dis the direct reputation of the lth time slot. It indicates that the good or malicious behavior will be stored for a relatively longer time. The two reputation parameters are redefined by

\(\left\{\begin{array}{l} \alpha_{i, j}=\sum_{l=1}^{m} \alpha_{i, j}^{l} \theta_{l}^{m-l} \\ \beta_{i, j}=\sum_{l=1}^{n} \beta_{i, j}^{l} \theta_{l}^{m-l} \end{array}\right.\)       (39)

Based on the above study and analysis, these three components are essential for the binomial reputation to work normally. But among the related literatures, some merely use the required components while ignoring the others as an integral part of the whole. For example, regarding the reputation fusion, some literatures such as [21, 24, 26, 29, 35, 36] use both direct reputation and indirect reputation, while others like [30, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43] only apply direct reputation. For another example, as is shown in Table 1, on the reputation aging, among the literatures that apply direct reputation and/or indirect reputation, only a few of them such as [21, 24, 25, 33] use the reputation aging, while other literatures ignore it for no reason. Besides, by using the concept of binomial reputation, energy reputation [36,37], communication reputation [25, 34, 35, 36, 37], and data reputation like [30, 34, 41, 42, 59] and so on are introduced so as to save individual node energy and ensure the reliable communication and data transmission. Further, penalty and reward mechanisms [43], light computational complexity such as [21, 24, 26, 27], and energy issues like [43, 44, 76] and so on are also considered in order to stimulate node cooperation, avoid running complex algorithms, and balance the energy consumed in the network. However, few of these related literatures take the reputation redemption, adaptive reputation threshold, and adaptive forgetting factor into consideration, which is worthy of future study.

Table 1. Functional components under binomial reputation

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One of the advantages of binomial distribution based reputation, or binomial reputation is its stimulating effect on the node’s cooperation. Each node has to participate in a certain transaction so as to maintain its reputation. Once a node loses its reputation, it may not receive certain service from other nodes, or it could not be reputation-qualified to provide certain service for others. Accordingly, as is presented in Table 2, secure solutions are proposed for WSNs from the aspects of routing [25, 27, 28, 44, 58], packet delivering [25, 26, 34, 61], data aggregation [21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 44, 61], and node selection [24, 58, 61, 66] so that trust or reputation qualified nodes can be selected to fulfill these tasks. Further, a malicious node may accumulate its reputation before launching a certain attack, a malicious node may even switch between good behaviors and bad ones so as to launch attacks without being detected, and some malicious nodes give good reputation to each other and then collusively give bad reputation to a third party node. By carefully designing the binomial reputation with appropriate mechanisms, attack countermeasures, listed in Table 2 against bad mouthing attack, on-off attack, conflicting behavior attack and so on, can be properly addressed or mitigated.

Table 2. Typical secure solutions and attack countermeasures under binomial reputation

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6. Future Research Directions

With the fast development and applications of wireless sensor networks especially in the field of Internet of Things, low computing complexity and high power efficiency become more and more important factors in securing the networks. When dealing with the internal attacks, reputation mechanism has received much attention by researchers, but still its related study is in the initial stage. Some future research directions regarding the binomial distribution based reputation are presented as follows.

1) How to properly set the reputation threshold. In most related literatures, the reputation threshold is a predefined value such as 0.5. One of the disadvantages is that in the network with frequent transactions, with the increasing number of node interactions, the reputation value of a good behaving node is increasing, but with the continuous depletion of the overall network energy, the number of transactions between nodes is declining, and so is the reputation value of the good behaving node. If a predefined reputation threshold is used, the reputation value of the good behaving node will eventually be lower than this threshold, and it may be misjudged as a malicious node, or even isolated by the network. Therefore, it is very necessary to design an adaptive reputation threshold that can meet the current network running state, and it can be adjusted adaptively under different conditions.

2) How to effectively set the forgetting factor. Like the reputation threshold, the forgetting factor is also set with a fixed value, which aims to give less weight to historical reputation parameters during the reputation fusion. However, in the network with low transaction frequency, the number of interactions between network nodes is not much. If this method is still used to set the forgetting factor, it is difficult to measure the current reputation state according to the past reputation parameters, and it is not conducive to the evaluation of nodes' reputation. Even malicious nodes can take advantage of it and launch attacks to further reduce the reputation of these nodes so as to destroy the normal operation of the network. Therefore, it is necessary to set the forgetting factor dynamically.

3) Few literatures have considered the redemption mechanism. The wireless sensor networks are usually deployed in unattended or even hostile areas where noise interference and environmental impact exist, which makes some good behaving nodes misjudged as malicious ones by the system. Therefore, in constructing the reputation system, it is necessary to consider the redemption mechanism so that nodes have the opportunity to work and serve the network again. In addition, penalty & reward mechanism should also be considered. Reputation mechanism cannot motivate good behavior nodes at a faster speed, nor can it punish malicious nodes more quickly. Malicious nodes with high reputation still have the opportunity to attack the network. Thus, the penalty & reward mechanism can better help the network to make corresponding strategies for the good behaving nodes and malicious nodes.

4) Network attacks such as node replication attack and black hole attack cannot be addressed solely by the binomial reputation method. Binomial distribution based reputation is a light weight model and easy to be implemented in wireless sensor networks. But it has only two reputation parameters and its application scenarios are limited to a certain extent. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the binomial based reputation and design extra reputation parameters to better deal with more complex application scenarios.

Besides, some researchers suggest that methods such as machine learning and block chain be integrated into the reputation model. Although these methods can help further extend and improve the function of the reputation model, a trade-off should be made so that the energy can be balanced among each individual nodes and the network longevity can be improved.

7. Conclusion

As an effective supplement to the traditional security mechanism in wireless sensor networks, reputation has gradually attracted the attention of scholars. Among the reputation models, binomial distribution based reputation has many advantages such as light weight and ease of implementation in resource constraint sensor nodes. In this study, we perform a thorough survey and comment on existing binomial distribution based reputation models from the aspects of reputation engine, reputation fusion, and reputation aging. Based on the survey results, we believe that this study topic is still in the initial development and there are several open issues that should be solved. Thus we argue some open research problems and suggest the directions that are worth future efforts.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of the reviewers.

This work is partially supported by the Scientific Project of CAFUC under grant nos. F2017KF02 and J2018-3, the Central University Teaching Reform Project under grant nos. E2020044 and E2021038, and Civil Aviation Professional Project under grant no. 0252109.


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