Aerodynamic force of four-bundled conductors with distorted modeling

  • Liu, Muguang (School of Civil Engineering & Transportation, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology) ;
  • Liu, Cheng (School of Civil Engineering & Transportation, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology) ;
  • Xie, Zhuangning (School of Civil Engineering & Transportation, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology)
  • Received : 2021.01.31
  • Accepted : 2021.08.16
  • Published : 2021.10.25


The current study investigates the aerodynamic characteristics of four-bundled conductors designed by distorted approach with a series of wind tunnel tests. The distorted aeroelastic model is designed at a geometry scale of 1:25 with two different span correction coefficients of 0.8 and 0.5. Two sag ratios of 5% and 10% are considered in the test, and the sag ratio of 5% is the major focus. A continuous PVC hose is adopted to simulate the aerodynamic shape of the conductor. The aeroelastic tests are performed on three kinds of uniform turbulent flow and for four different wind directions. The test results show that the mean drag of the distorted model with four-bundled conductors is smaller than that of the normal model, although the consistency of the drag force for each conductor has been satisfied according to the distortion theory. The mean tension for the distorted models is also lower than that of the normal model. However, there is an increasing trend in the fluctuating component of drag force and tension for the distorted model, except for a decrease in the fluctuating tension when the span correction coefficient is 0.5. The increase of turbulence intensity can enlarge the mean and fluctuating values of the aerodynamic forces for the four-bundled conductors, but no significant effects are found in the relative error between the mean values of the distorted and normal models. A substantial imbalance in mean drag and tension on the upstream and downstream conductors is observed under oblique wind. And the differences between the distorted and normal model gradually decrease with the increase of wind yaw angles. The increase of sag ratio can further enhance the unbalanced effect in tension under oblique wind, and has obvious influence on the variance of the drag force and tension. For the four-bundled conductors using distorted modeling, a ratio of around 0.8 rather than a smaller ratio around 0.5 is recommended.



The research described in this paper was financial supported by the National Science Foundation of China (51978285), and National Engineering Laboratory for High Speed Railway Construction (2017HSR06).


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