872년 황룡사구층탑 찰주 드잡이 방법 추론 연구

A Reasoning on the Central Column Hoisting Technique at pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple in 872

  • 투고 : 2021.06.17
  • 심사 : 2021.09.12
  • 발행 : 2021.10.31


According to 「Hwangnyongsa Temple Central Column Record」 among the remaining documents, under reconstruction the pagoda of Hwangnyongsa&s 9th floor was completed in July 872 on the lunar calendar. At that time, King Kyeongmun worried about sarira under its central column, saying the central column does not move, and then He ordered to lift the central column. So his servants lifted it on November 6th 872 and checked the sarira and put it back on November 25th on the lunar calendar. 「Hwangnyongsa Temple Central Column Record」 did not document how to lift the central column which is tens of meters. therefore, this study inferred the way the central column of the pagoda of Hwangnyongsa was lifted in 872, left as a mystery. For that, this study set various hypotheses and it researched and analyzed hoisting technique that is a way to lift the pagoda of Hwangnyongsa and a column. In conclusion, this study inferred the most suitable hoisting technique for the pagoda of Hwangnyongsa at that time, based on the research and analysis of each chapter.



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