한국 정신질환자에서의 자살시도와 인터넷 중독 간의 연관성에 관한 환자-대조군 연구

Association Between Suicidal Attempt and Internet Addiction in Korean Psychiatric Patients: A Case-Control Study

  • 손태혜 (충남대학교병원 정신건강의학과) ;
  • 송승일 (대구대학교 재활과학대학 작업치료학과) ;
  • 권국주 (충남대학교병원 정신건강의학과) ;
  • 지현승 (충남대학교병원 정신건강의학과) ;
  • 최광연 (충남대학교병원 정신건강의학과)
  • Sun, Tai hui (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital) ;
  • Song, Seung Il (Department of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University) ;
  • Kweon, Kukju (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital) ;
  • Chee, Hyun Seung (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital) ;
  • Choi, Kwang-Yeon (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2021.09.02
  • 심사 : 2021.10.20
  • 발행 : 2021.10.30


Objective : Current study investigated the association between internet addiction and suicidal attempts in psychiatric patients. Methods : Patients who visited emergency department or psychiatry outpatient unit of Chungnam National University Hospital from January 2020 to July 2021 were included in this study. Total of 192 participants, 96 suicidal attempt cases and 96 psychiatric control patients without history of suicidal attempt were matched by gender and baseline diagnosis. Depression and internet addiction were assessed by using Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Independent t-tests, and logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results : IAT scores were significantly higher in suicidal attempt case group (41.09±18.196 years) compared to psychiatric control patients without history of suicidal attempt (36.63±17.016 years) (p=0.040). Internet addiction (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR]=2.049, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]=1.004-4.539, p=0.0493) was an independent risk factor for suicidal attempt in psychiatric patients after controlling age, gender, and sociodemographic factors, such as marital status, education level and employment status. Conclusion : This is the first study to investigate the relationship between internet addiction and suicidal attempt in psychiatric patients in Korea. Internet addiction is significantly associated with suicidal attempt in psychiatric patients, after adjusting sociodemographic variables. This study provides evidence to future studies to further investigate on causality of internet addiction and suicidality in psychiatric patients.



이 성과는 2019년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(2019M3E5D1A02068548).


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