Decontamination of spent ion exchange resins contaminated with iron-oxide deposits using mineral acid solutions

  • Tokar, E.A. (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS) ;
  • Matskevich, A.I. (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS) ;
  • Palamarchuk, M.S. (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS) ;
  • Parotkina, Yu.A. (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS) ;
  • Egorin, A.M. (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.12
  • 심사 : 2021.03.22
  • 발행 : 2021.09.25


The efficiency of decontamination of model spent ion exchange resins, contaminated with magnetite and hematite, with mineral acid solutions, and using electro-decontamination, was evaluated. It has been shown that effective hematite dissolution occurs in concentrated mineral acid solutions. However, the use of direct current increases the decontamination efficiency of spent ion exchange resins contaminated with hematite. It is determined that with increasing voltage and acid concentration, the dissolution efficiency of hematite deposits increases and can exceed 99%. It has been shown that hematite dissolution is accompanied by secondary adsorption of radionuclides due to ion exchange, which can be removed with sodium nitrate solutions.



Equipment of CUC "Far Eastern Center of Structural Investigations" was used in this work.


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