Protection of Information Sovereignty as an Important Component of the Political Function of the State

  • Zadorozhnia, Halyna (Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, National University of Trade and Economics) ;
  • Mykhtunenko, Viktoriia (Department of World History, International Relations and Methods of Teaching Historical Disciplines, Sumy State Pedagogical University) ;
  • Kovalenko, Hanna (Department of Philosophy, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University) ;
  • Kuryliuk, Yurii (Department of Theory and History of State and Law, National Academy of Management) ;
  • Yurchenko, Liubov (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine) ;
  • Maslennykova, Tetiana (Department of Public Law Disciplines, Private Higher Educational Institution "University of Modern Knowledge")
  • 투고 : 2021.09.05
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


State information policy is an important component of foreign and domestic policy of the country and covers all spheres of society. The rapid development of the information sphere is accompanied by the emergence of fundamentally new threats to the interests of the individual, society, state and its national security. The article considers the components of the state information policy to ensure information security of the country and identifies the main activities of public authorities in this area. Internal and external information threats to the national security of Ukraine and ways to guarantee the information security of the country are analyzed. Information security is seen as a component of national security, as well as a global problem of information protection, information space, information sovereignty of the country and information support of government decisions. Approaches to ensure the process of continuity of the information security system of the state in order to monitor new threats, identify risks and levels of their intensity are proposed.



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