Clinical characteristics of trigeminal neuralgia in a dental hospital

  • Noguchi, Tomoyasu (Division of Special Needs Dentistry and Orofacial Pain, Department of Oral Health and Clinical Science, Tokyo Dental College) ;
  • Shimamoto, Yoshinori (Chiba Neurosurgical Clinic) ;
  • Fukuda, Ken-ichi (Division of Special Needs Dentistry and Orofacial Pain, Department of Oral Health and Clinical Science, Tokyo Dental College)
  • Received : 2021.06.18
  • Accepted : 2021.07.22
  • Published : 2021.10.01


Background: Neurovascular compression (NVC) is a well-known cause of trigeminal neuralgia (TN). However, patients with idiopathic TN (ITN) do not have evidence of NVC on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and other patients may remain asymptomatic despite evidence of NVC on MRI. This suggests that there may be additional risk factors for TN development other than NVC. Although epidemiological factors, such as age and sex differences, are useful for understanding the pathophysiology of TN, detailed statistics for each TN subtype are currently unavailable. Therefore, this study aimed to classify patients with TN into the following groups based on data extracted from past medical records: classical TN (CTN), secondary TN, and ITN. Methods: The characteristics of the groups and their differences were explored. Results: CTN was more common in women than in men, as previously reported, whereas ITN was more common in men than in women. The ratio of pain sites located on the right side of the face was high in all groups. Patients with CTN were also prone to NVC on the asymptomatic side. Conclusion: By investigating TN subtype, it may be possible to elucidate the pathophysiology of TN. This would greatly improve treatment outcomes.



We are incredibly grateful to our study participants. We would also like to thank Editage ( for English language editing.


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