Through diversification of 4th industries and transportation and globalization, tourism was developed for medical purposes, not limited to touring tourist attractions. The trend of medical tourism in Korea is shifting from large and medium-sized hospitals to professional medical services in one area of small hospitals rather than professional medical services. However, small hospitals lack medical coordinators and interpretation services, and tourists who visit Korea for treatment lack information on small hospitals. Therefore, a platform is needed to match small hospitals with medical tourists. In this study, using Platform as a Service (Paas) in cloud computing, clinic administrators can access the app to introduce information about their hospitals with simple manipulations. Tourists also want to propose a customized platform to select the right area for them to check information about small-scale hospitals and choose the treatment and tourist attractions they wants. In this study, using Platform as a Service (Paas) in cloud computing, clinic administrators can access the app to introduce information about their hospitals with simple manipulations.